Unexplained bruising on big toes.
by Paula
(Pass Christian, MS)
Notice bruise starting on right foot as well.
A few weeks ago I noticed a small bruise on the left side of my left big toenail. I have not injured it in any way and nothing has changed shoe wise. I kind of blew it off and figured I must have forgotten about hurting my toe. However, today I noticed another identical bruise starting to appear on the right side of my right toe. A mirror image of the left. There is some tenderness when touched. What could be causing this? I have attached a picture.
Hi Paula,
In most cases the discoloration seen underneath the nail is bleeding as a result of what I like to call micro trauma, such as from running, or working out, or some other repetitive motion that eventually irritates the nail bed.
In very rare instances it can also represent a growth on the nail bed.
Keep a very close eye on it. If the discoloration continues to grow forward you are probably ok, if it stays in one place over the next month or so, see a doctor and let he or she determine whether or not the nail bed (the skin under the nail) should be examined.
Marc Mitnick DPM