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by Marc
(New york)
bruised heel seven weeks post trauma
I was on a ladder about 9 feet up when the bottom slid out, I grab the gutter who he'd slowed the fall a little but I landed on the ladder .. Can't say I heard any pops or cracks as it happened very fast and the ladder hitting the deck made a lot of noise. Went to emergency room them took X-rays wrapped both feet could barely use crutches being both feet. Did a lot of crawling up n down stairs and into bed first few days.... 7 weeks later still limp badly sometimes my foot gives out and the pain is bad. Oh I've been going to a doctor regularly and must add he has never touched my foot ,, really how can a doctor not touch or examine them. I'm going to a new doctor on the 8th of July..I see swelling on the top of my feet and at times I see the vain in large pulsating and spongey to the touch. I can move my ankle I can do the alphabet with my toes, I can touch with out pain but when I stand up and walk is when I feel discomfort,pain and sometimes can't put weight on them
Comments for Pain in ankle and foot
University of Rochester Medical Center
American Academy of Pediatrics
Columbia University Department of Rehabilitation
Feb 06, 23 07:17 PM
Feb 01, 23 02:41 PM
Jan 25, 23 04:52 PM
Jan 22, 23 01:41 PM
Jan 18, 23 05:12 PM
Jan 15, 23 08:32 PM
Jan 14, 23 05:02 PM
Jan 11, 23 02:18 PM
Jan 08, 23 10:07 AM
Jan 03, 23 03:04 PM