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The response to the question below was authored by Marc Mitnick DPM

Isolated Itchy Spot on bottom of foot

by Janine

i've had an isolated itchy spot on the right side under my foot, 2 inches below my second to last toe for a few years. I had this oval-ish spot the size of my thumb nail or a little larger removed and pathology found nothing. But, it relieved the sypmtom of sever itching that can't not be satisfied because it is so deep, I can feel the bally tissue. I used to take a fork to my foot to scratch it. Now it is back and I want it removed desperately but not sure what this is. I have wasted a ton of money on topicals etc; NOTHING works. My foot doc asked if I have back issues and I do. Is this related? why is this one little spot persistant and no where else or spread to the other foot? weird. thank you.

Hi Janine,
Sometimes lower back problems will cause neurological symptoms in the foot, but generally in a larger section of the foot.
My "guess" is you have a local nerve irritation at the point where it itches. Topicals will probably not help.
Ask your doctor about a cortisone shot directly in the area or even the possibility of denatured alcohol injections; they can be very helpful.
Marc Mitnick DPM

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Sep 07, 2019
Likely caused by a nerve
by: Lifelong scratcher

My left foot has had the same itchy spot for 45 years! My parents noticed it when I was a toddler, often pulling my left shoe off to scratch what appeared to be nothing---several times each day. As I grew older my family was horrified because it didn't matter where/when/how--if it started itching, it HAD TO BE SCRATCHED. Driving? Dinner table? School? Middle of the night? It had to be scratched or stabbed at right then! I've been to several dermatologists who tested for fungus (nope) and prescribed a cream or ointment, but nothing worked. Finally a doctor told me it was probably a nerve that is sending a very strong (but false) itch message to my brain. That made sense since it felt so deep under the surface. I was prescribed Gabapentin which really does seem to work, but I take it as little as possible since it makes me groggy and can't be focused on one area, so it affects the entire body. People understand better if you tell them that the urge is as strong as sneezing, and trying not to scratch would be like trying to not sneeze. My skin feels a little thick there due to the continual scratching. There are pedicure tools that have a battery-powered spinning pumice. I do this every night. It doesn't take away the itch, but it does eliminate a lot of the bad night time itching (I often scratched it with my other toenail until it bled while I slept). The nightly pumice is keeping the skin from breaking/bleeding, so the rest is bearable. Basically I live with the itch which is about 3-10 times per day, pumicing and lotioning to alleviate it somewhat. I always thought it was just me and was happy to find that I wasn't alone when I found this site!

Aug 23, 2019
You are scaring me.
by: Gramme

Here I am, 4:30 a.m. searching for answers to something that just happened. I woke up to what feels like the bone in the bottom pad of my left foot itching, deep itching. Scratching does not touch it. Lordy, you people are scaring me with the comments that it probably won't go away, all of the meds, creams, and shots with basically no results. And it goes on for years. I am a 77 yo female and I honestly don't want my remaining years to be spent icing, heating, massaging, soaking, and scratching my foot. I take no prescription meds (don't have anything that requires them, wouldn't if I did). I have completed 10 sessions with a wonderful hands on chiropractor for non-diabetic neuropathy, which I have had for several years. I will ask him Monday if maybe this is nerve reaction to the treatments. My first go to was some DMSO gel, then a couple drops of DoTerra Oregano oil. Instant relief. Maybe because it's my first episode, or it may not be as severe as I'm seeing with the rest of you, but I am going back to bed, hopefully with this behind me. I will let you know if it returns, then I will try this remedy again. If it doesn't work, on to more searching. Nite, ya'll.

May 03, 2019
Itchy Feet
by: Grasshopper

I used to get the same thing, and I would get it regularly on my feet and on my fingers while I was in my late teens through my mid 30's. It would be a sudden deep, isolated itch with no signs of anything on the skin. Relief would only come if I scratched it deep until my skin sheared at the isolated spot (no pus, more like a dry blister) and only after I cut that sheared skin open. Instantly at the very moment I cut open the sheared skin, the itch would stop.

In my mid 30's I stopped getting these things on my fingers and instead of getting it at random spots on my feet, I kept getting the same spot itching on the side of my left heel and the frequency of recurrence has dropped dramatically. I have no idea what caused the change.

I did try "Baby Foot" twice (, but can't say if there was any effect. Still maybe worth a try...

Apr 02, 2019
Deep Pinpoint Itch
by: Cassie

It will happen all of a sudden without warning, this bright deep pinpoint Isolated itch with no signs, no redness, no dryness nothing to see.

If you draw a line from the area between the big toe and second toe down to the bottom of the thick portion under the big toe is where it happens. Just where I need pressure points with something sharp if I wear high heels.

It does not itch around that pinpoint spot although its so intense when it happens you may think it does, but it is only relieved if scratching the pinpoint spot.

So may here have tried to scratch and twirl and do all sorts of things as I have for years since childhood.

I do believe it has something to do with diabetes, or the nerves. When I use to eat high fructose corn syrup...or products with hfcs in it, that area of my foot would really act up and start that deep itch. It also is triggered when my foot gets cold.

Sometimes I feel as if it is bone deep.

Sep 29, 2018
by: zurc insurance will no longer cover RF ablation so I tried using a tens unit as someone posted and it works, it really does work!!! The moment it started itching, I took the two gel pads, strategically placed them to each side of the itch and turned that thing on. I started with low strength and alternated between different modules. It feels like the itch is being scratched at its source. It would start to feel as if the itch was over powering the tens, so I cranked that baby up slowly, over the hour it would be on. I started putting it on the following day even though the itch was gone.
The itch came back 3 times and it hasnt returned yet. My itch is usually a lot more persistant but this has kept it from returning.

Sep 24, 2018
Itchy feet
by: Dee

Thought that I was the only one that was going Through this, read a lot of stories on this site and me myself had been dealing with this for about eight years it’s Horrible, I have deep itching at the ball of both feet, including the arch of both. My right heel has an deep itch, including the right side of my foot, I also itch in between my toes on both feet. This is also very irritating and embarrassing , The itching seems to happens when I’m around people at the point , you just want to rip your shoe and socks off but you just have to deal with it because it’s people around you. But it seems like that itch takes forever to ease off, well today I’m going to the Podiatrist so I Definitely will mention the denatured alcohol injections thanks to this site. My Primary care physician Diagnose me with Prephrial Neuropathy , but my Neurologist ruled it out so I’m lost. Although I do have a bulging disc.

Sep 13, 2018
itchy bottom of foot
by: Fort Worth

Me too! The itch is insatiable. As if it is coming from within my foot. It's not topical at all. I have had numerous lower back procedures (injections) from a terrible horse accident. I'm starting to think this is the culprit.

Sep 11, 2018
Itchy foot
by: Jayne

Hi people, great comments really helped but can anyone tell me is their foot painful whilst walking? It's not only the itching but I constantly feel that I have a stone in my shoe. Would be great to hear from anyone who has this and any remedies.

Aug 16, 2018
by: #Me To

I have had this spot for years! It's right above my arch towards by big toe ball (lol). I have scratched it on everything and anything! It's like the bone is itching! It comes and goes throughout the year, not sure what triggers it. I end up scratching it until a weird shaped itchy spot rises up.... Then the whole area gets red and puffy from all the scratching and becomes raw. It's terrible! Now I even had it spead to the SAME SPOT ON THE OTHER FOOT 😖!

Aug 11, 2018
Power tools & asphalt
by: Kurt

My people! I've found you!

My itch has been so insatiable that I've used power tools (electric sander or drill with an abrasive stone) and asphalt curbs to scratch my itch. This often ends up with a bloody foot but I just can't force myself to care because the itch is SO BAD! The skin isn't particularly dry or discolored, however a red spot can be seen in the center of the itchy spot while scratching.

I've found that a TWICE DAILY application of CeraVe Eczema Soothing Creamy Oil helps. When I ran out of CeraVe, I used some Dr Teal's Body Lotion with Pink Himalayan & Essential Oils and it WORKED EVEN BETTER. The itch finally went away with a regular application of lotion and I eventually stopped using it for a couple of weeks. BIG MISTAKE! I just woke up scratching the bottom of my foot until it's once again bleeding.

I'm going to try the 'tonic water with quinine' suggestion and see if I can get back to sleep right after I lotion up my sole and put a sock on my foot. I'll talk to my doctor about the injections too, if the lotion is slow to respond. Thanks for all your suggestions!

Aug 01, 2018
itchy bottom of foot
by: Dr. Mitnick

...more thoughts on

itchy bottom of foot

It is important to make this distinction:
If there is some kind of rash or hard spot on the bottom of the foot in the itchy area, then creams such as cortisone cream, anti-fungal creams and even moisturizers will probably help.
It may require trial and error to figure out which topical medication works for you. Also be advised that over the counter cortisone creams are very weak and may not work, where a prescription formula might.
However, if the itchy area of on the bottom of the foot is of the same appearance as the rest of the foot, then you need to be thinking along the lines of either a local nerve entrapment/irritation or, a problem with the nerves coming out of the spine.
In this situation an injection of either cortisone or denatured alcohol directly into the itchy area may work wonders.
An evaluation by a back specialist may be required to rule out the back as the source of the itching.

Jun 30, 2018
More common than I thought!
by: KP

Oh brother, I thought I was the only one with this strange malady that wakes me in the night and scratching it does not relieve the itch. I never associated it with a nerve, but dang that makes sense! I've been treated the past two years for nerve pain in my toes; after many treatments, including nerve block and cortisone, I was referred to a surgeon who went in and discovered a compressed nerve. One problem fixed, but I still have the darn itch that won't go away!!
I'll have to try some of the other suggestions mentioned here.

May 25, 2018
by: Tanya

Spot has been on right foot, over a decade.sometimes its flaky, if I scratch with the wrong item, it will crack and bleed a bit, turning into a stinging sensation. Painful, deep itch...I have a special "rock" at home, its divine. When I travel, I use the Amope pumice, but usually take it directly to "the spot". Not found any creams or ointments. No Dr. Has been able to diagnose.

May 22, 2018
by: Tapanga

Im glad im not the only one i feel crazy but this itchiness is driving me crazy!

May 13, 2018
Me Too
by: Carol

I feel like I've found my people! I've had intermittent itching on the bottom of my left foot for about 6 years. It can go away for a few months, but then it comes back its unbearable. I scratch with anything I can get my hands on. The scratching has formed a huge callous that makes the skin impenetrable, so moisturizers don't make a difference. I use a pumice stone and foot file to try to keep the callous under control. It eventually starts to peel and I can peel away layers of skin till it's raw. But the itch is still there. I've had multiple visits to the dermatologist and podiatrist, used multiple topicals, tested for fungus - negative, and even had a cutting edge new test (from a shaving) to test for something possible genetic, fungus, and other disease. It came back "normal". Another theory is that its cause from an imbalance in my feet/walking, because I have ankle issues on my right foot and I'm possibly favoring that foot. I got custom orthotics but still have the itch. I have a special steroid tape ($50 AFTER insurance) that I can leave on for a few days at a time, but still doesn't work. Like many of you, I enjoy spinning around barefoot on my concrete driveway. It seems to come on more in the evening, either when I get in the car to drive home, or once I sit down on the sofa for the evening.
After reading through this thread, I'm intrigued that it could be nerve related. Sometimes it will start to itch during yoga class.
Another interesting development is that about 6 months ago the same type of itch started on my left thumb.
There are a few mentions here of cortisone shots - wondering if anyone had had any success with those. I might have missed the comments.
Here's to all of you - hoping we can find a permanent solution to this so that our forks can stay in the silverware drawer :)

May 11, 2018
by: Christine

Have episodes of this horrendous foot itch in various spots on the bottom of my left foot, usually at night. Wakes me right up, the itch is painfully severe. I find that drinking a bottle of tonic with quinine helps. Must have quinine. Then I just get up and start walking around until it dies down enough to go back to bed. Have not found a lotion that helps. Quinine also helps with restless leg syndrome, which I also get. I too have had numerous lower back procedures so assume it’s nerve related.

May 01, 2018
Me too!
by: JCP

My foot itch has been going on since I was 4 years old. I'm 30 now. It is awful! Left foot, on the ball to about an inch below. It is itchy all day and all night. I wake up at night and find myself scratching it with my right toe nail. I will often scratch it on carpet until a blister forms which helps take the itch from a 10 to about a 5 for a few days. I scratch my foot on everything and anything - sharp scissors, finished drink caps, a pedicure stone, back of the tv converter, etc. Nothing stops the itch. I feels deeper, like in the middle of my foot and I can just never get to it. I've shredded layers of skin trying to get the source of the itch, but it never works. I've seen various dermatologists who tell me nothing can be done, scratching it only makes it worse. I take care of my feet and make sure a callus doesn't form, so I'm at a loss for what to do next. I read here or somewhere else that maybe a cortisone shot would help? I see a new dermatologist in June. I'm going to suggest it and see what they say. I'm glad I'm not the only one out there that suffers with this. I feel your pain (itch) everyone!

A cortisone injection might help, the only problem is that you will need a needle inserted directly into the bottom of the foot (painful). My suggestion would be to see a podiatrist who could first give you what is known as a PT block in the ankle to numb the bottom of the foot (less painful). Then, you could have the cortisone injection directly into the bottom of the foot without any discomfort. A dermatologist would not be able to do that.

Marc Mitnick DPM

May 01, 2018
Omg! I found a club!
by: Anonymous

Holy crap, guys! I cannot believe there are so many of us. I’ve googled this many times, and never come up with ANYTHING. I am going crazy with this itch. Mine is on the left foot, just left of the arch. I’ve had it for years. I’ve wondered if I could get a shot in it. It bothers me most at night, or when I first take my shoes off for the night. We HAVE to figure this out before we all go insane. Lol. I am constantly saying how I just want to take a drill to it, or just cut it out. Lol. (I am profusely itching my foot as I type this...)

Apr 25, 2018
Frackin' Itch!!
by: Fernrain

My itch is on my right foot. It's on the bottom, just past the heel toward the toes.
I do think mine is worse at night too.
It is an itch I just cannot scratch!
It think it's hilarious to see what people scratch with. I scratch that sucker with anything I can find. I've tried a fine tooth comb, but that was too tickly. :-D A vent hair brush has worked before! A bottle lid (once I'm done with the drink of course)! An ink pen, the metal gear part of a lighter (the part that turns and let's you light it). I know I've used so many things to attempt to alleviate this itch.

I'm glad I'm not crazy anymore :D

Mar 12, 2018
by: Denise

I also have this annoying itch on my left foot about 2 inches below my big toe. It's been about 13 years or so. It came out of nowhere and hasn't stopped since. It went as far as me taking the clippers to my foot and peeling away some skin to try and get to the bottom of it. Of course nothing helps. I've used just about everything to satisfy the itch. Knives, forks, remote backs, you me it. I think it's really odd a lot of people have this problem and no one knows what the hell it is!?! At least I know I'm not going crazy

Mar 08, 2018
I'm not alone!
by: Argh!!

Yes! Omg this drives me absolutely crazy!!! It started about 5 years ago. Looked down at my nail on my big toe on my left foot and saw the nail growing out white? Thought I must have dropped something on the nail bed ages before that, then forgot all about it. A few months later I banged my toes on the bottom of a door, looked down and my whole toe nail came off!!!!! Ever since then, IV had this raging itch on the ball bit on the underside of big toe, all the way along the pad bit underneath my other toes. My nail grows back all crusty and gross. Doc took a sample of nail to see if it was a fungas, but it came back all clear?! Wtf!? I've tried OTC creams, but nothing takes this itch away. I've scratched so hard that I've made my feet bleed. The thing that helps the most with the itch is getting on my tip toes with the just the squishy pad bit on the floor, and rubbing it on the concrete out the back. Works a charm. I've just noticed a hard little lump in the arch of the same foot. Could it be related? Any help would be wonderful as I'm all out of ideas

Jan 20, 2018
Itchy spot on my right foot
by: Renee

I also have that deep itch on the bottom of my foot, right below my big toe. I have used anything I could find to scratch it. Forks, back scratchers, screw drivers, you get the idea. The only relief I can find is essential oils. With a carrier oil I add same amount of drops of lavender, naiouli, and peppermint. It last for several hours.

Nov 12, 2017
This helped me!
by: Linda

last night my right foot started itching up by the big toe and bottom of the foot. I've had this before various parts of my upper feet near my toes. It absolutely drives me nuts. Last night I was reading this page and all the different ideas. I finally got a little sleep by putting paper Medical over triamcinolone a c e t o n i d e cream. Today the itching was extreme and I was trying anything I could fine. Finally the pain went away after icing the area with an ice cube and then applying rubbing alcohol and then applying Vicks Vapor Vapor Rub and keeping my foot elevated. The itching has been gone for hours and I'm not going crazy now. I hope in some way this helps others because this pain and itching and swelling is so real!

Nov 04, 2017
I have a dedicated fork
by: Foot Fork

I have had this itch on my right foot since 1989. It's on the arch near my heel. I have an old fork that I keep near my bed. It's my foot scratchin' fork. I also have an understanding spouse. I've suffered from damaged nerves from Lyme and Bartonella leaving me with peripheral neuropathy. Not sure if it's related. I never thought to tell my doctor. I thought he'd think I'm crazy. Me and my foot fork.

Oct 28, 2017
Intense maniacal itch
by: Margo

Over a period of 10 years or so I ve experienced about 5 episodes of this intense maniacal itch on the bottom of my right foot just below the toes. It always happens without warning and always when I’m driving. There had been 4 years since the last episode when I just had one a couple days ago. I almost lost control of my vehicle and all I could do was scream as it was so intense, and pound my foot against the floor of the car. When I was finally able to park and fling off my shoe, the only thing that brought relief was the large end of a key which brought relief after causing pain to the area. My time was limited because I had a plane to catch, the itch continued but not nearly as intense for about half an hour. Hopefully it’s gone forever but if not maybe I’m good for at least a few years.

Oct 27, 2017
Rub for relief
by: Audrey

I have been plagued with a similar itch in my right heel, it's so annoying. I have the worst issues at night, I often wake to the maddening itch. I have recently realized that when it flares up, I need to massage the spot, not scratch at it. With lotion on my foot, I will knead the spot with my thumb for a minute, using as much pressure as I can, and then I can go back to sleep and I'm good. If I scratch at it, the itch subsides as long as I'm scratching, but once I stop, the itch starts up again. In case you are wondering, I don't think the lotion itself helps with the itch, I think it just makes it easier to massage my heel properly.
I hope this can help someone else. Good luck.

Oct 19, 2017

Now I know I am not INSANE!!!...IT ALL STARTED BACK IN 1986, there I was sitting in my college Biology class engrossed in the lecture...and then it happened! A itch so deep I couldn't satisfy it. Yes, I took my shoe off...I didn't give a flying 'FK' Proff was so full of himself he didn't pay attention to any of us anyway! I took my brand new dissecting kit and began to disarm that ITCH...needless to say, that ITCH has stood the test of time. She's a 'BAD ITCH'! I look at my perfectly pink and soft well kept 'soft spot', and just can't believe this sh_t has been a part of my life longer than any man, family member, or pet....FK IT!...I am just gonna electrocute that ITCH! Let it itch then!...BTW...I just finished stabbing the 'SH_T out of that ITCH! I guess I will be given a ITCH-SLAUGHTER CHARGE! But to keep it real...I am armed with salt, vinegar, lemons, (hey, all the ingredients for a light salad dressing...(LMAO) diclofenac solution, Gorilla tape, cotton pads and cotton balls, a TENS UNIT, fingernail file, sterile ice pick, and a EXORCISM manual...because this is the ITCH FROM HELL! STAY POSITIVE...I believe we girls have been singled out by this 'B-ITCH'...It seems to be more common in the female species. So I guess she is HEAD 'B-ITCH'IN CHARGE! I will be investigating this issue intensely...there has to be a solution...there must be some method to this MADDNESS!!!! Catch y'all later... Peace

Oct 12, 2017
by: Claude

Hi everyone, I finally got rid of after 6 months of an illness, I had an itch at a point of the right foot (in the bow) at random moments of the day, especially after eating or in the evening. The problem was due to a jaw loss due to a devitalized tooth and too low compared to the original tooth. After inserting a new capsule I did not have the itch. Probably when I serried my teeth I generated a nerve loss that came to my feet, out of my mind!
Any remedy read on the site did not work or was not resolved anyway
I recommend you check your jaw
Sorry for my english!

Oct 12, 2017
Episodes are getting stronger and longer
by: Tess

I also suffer from an extreme itch on the ball of my left foot. Started over ten years ago - at first it only lasted a few minutes - I would be desperate to scratch it but that didn't bring any lasting relief, but again it was only a few minutes then would calmed down and disappear.

Now, the last few episodes have been both stronger and have lasted far longer (hours then two-three days for the last one) resulting in sleep being interrupted and feeling like a zombie because of it. These episodes occur randomly - maybe 2 times a year but the last two were only a few months apart. For the last few episodes, I utilized my shakti pillow - this brought immediate relief for the one episode (look up shakti mat - it is a portable version of a 'bed of nails'and can be used to apply pressure to various points on the body - the pillow is used for feet and neck). It provided almost immediate relief from the itch - disappeared quickly. However, for the last episode, though it did bring relief for the itching it did not eliminate it. I read about using benadryl, anti-fungus ointment and topical itch cream - the ointments didn't seem to do anything but helped a bit with at least soothing the skin. So the ultimate solution (for this last episode at least) was to take an antihistamine over-the-counter pill and use the shakti pillow.

Oct 10, 2017
Itchy spot on foot
by: Gail

I have had this itchy spot on my left foot for years. It is worse at night. Tried scratching with everything. I am currently using a back scratcher, metal. Helps a little, but I still need something sharper. I understand this to be something deep in the foot. Can be treated but side affects are not very pleasant. I will continue to scratch until a cure is found.

Oct 09, 2017
Menthol Rub
by: CV

I, too, have an incessant itch on the bottom of my foot. I'm pretty sure my scratching has caused a small callous to form.
In any event, I recently read that applying a menthol rub (like you'd rub on your chest for a cold) on the area and then putting on a cotton sock could help.
I first scrubbed the spot with a pumice stone and then applied the rub and the sock, and it's helped a great deal! I've had no significant itch since I started. My callous has even softened.
I just do it while I'm at home and over night. I recommend doing it a few days in a row.
Good luck!

Oct 08, 2017
by: Candace

I thought I was the only one I am so glad that I am not I swear for years and years I have had this same itch on my left foot I have scratched with everything I can think of including scissors! an old hair brush works great! It is only in the one spot on that foot too! Does anyone else find it's the itchiest when you are trying to goto bed!!? I do get a lot of neck and back pain and thought it could be a nerve or something because there is no particular spots or dots on my foot other then the hole I've put there on occasionfrom scratching so much! The only thing I can think of is about 20years ago I had a planters wart on one of my feet maybe it relates to something like that!? Anyways whatever the source may be I am going to give a lot of these suggestions a go! There are days where I feel like I could stick a knife in my foot to get to that deep spot, because of those days I am willing to try anything!! Thanks everyone!!

Oct 06, 2017
A cream that works!
by: Gus

I originally posted a comment back in June about an itchy spot on the bottom of my left foot. The podiatrist prescribed me a topical which I figured wouldn't work since none of the others I've tried worked but this one did! It's called TRIAMCINOLONE ACETONIDE. It didn't work at first, but after 3 days of applying it 4x a day the itch is almost gone. I've been using it for 2 months and now I only apply it when I feel it getting itchy which is maybe once a day. Also, when it does get itchy, it's definitely not as severe as before. Hopefully this info will help some of you. :)

Sep 30, 2017
Self Hypnosis anyone?
by: Viswanath

I knew I wasn't alone since world has 7 billion people. Thanks for sharing your plight. Several of you have suggested various remedies. Mine is a red spot about the size of a 1/8th inch diameter circle where the third and fourth toes meet, on the left foot. Most of the people have complained it is the left foot and at least two in the last two years have it in the same location as I do. This is good to know. Reflexology as suggested, I see that there are more than one foot chart with different diagnosis or problem relating to several different parts of the body. Hence I don't trust it any more than toothpaste and salt.

I live in SoCal and I suspect this itch started after being at the beach. Maybe it is fungal or a parasite that does not show up much on an MRI, or does not spread. Earth has so many life forms.

I went to a podiatrist, who ripped several layers of the skin to reveal the red spot better. The itch worsened for few days. He gave ketokanazol fungal ointment and triaminole steroid onitment. Applied it for four days, itch has subsided. However there is a general burning feeling in the whole area. I wonder if the cream is chemically burning the foot tissue. I don't want to stop applying either, since it may lead to a resistant variety of fungus, assuming it is fungal.

I used to have serious neck pain in the past. Read about it and found that it is purely mental thing and hypnosis works. I did tell myself that the neck pain is purely in my mind for a few weeks, and I must heal from within, sort of like self hypnosis.

Now that I know there is no one cure, maybe will try self hypnosis or meditation to send a signal to my brain to disregard the itch. Hope it works.

Sep 30, 2017
Got 5-10 times worse after back surgery
by: Marcus

I've had it for about the last 18 years sometime during high school started with injuries from football and baseball and wrestling. But it didn't start getting extremely bad until I had back surgeries and foot surgeries and knee surgeries. Especially after the back surgery where I got completely dead areas on my feet and legs. For temporary relief I'll slap my legs to jar something inside of them to give some sort of relief because scratching only damages skin I could never get to the itch. Recently I tried one of those muscle vibrators, that can help and sometimes make it it's a little more it may work for some of you if you want to try it. I've never heard of the toothpaste remedy that when I'll have to try or the salt. If that doesn't work I may go for the injections of a steroid something to help alleviate it. I have severe insomnia already before this and as many of you know this will drive you up the wall during the nights. Time to refill my Xanax to help calm the mind until I can figure some of this out. To all those out there wondering if you're alone obviously you're not I've lived by a Creed with all my 20 + surgeries I've had I tried to remember it can always be worse and someone's always had it worse than you try to keep that in mind when you feel like you're alone, you're not.

Sep 26, 2017
It's a fungal infection!!!!!
by: Rachel

Hi I've had this too for 15 years. I found out 5.years ago it's a fungal infection and I needed very strong anti fungal tablets for 3-4 weeks. It went away and came back 3 years later when I was run down. I took the tablets again and it's returned again a year later.

Aug 24, 2017
Worst itch in the world
by: Eve

This has to be the worst itch in the world. I have found that taking a Benadryl, two if it's really bad, works. It takes about 10 to 20 minutes, but it works. Mine has been going on for years. Usually if I've had dark chocolate or ice cream. I have Type 2 Diabetes. If I'm out of Benadryl taking a very hot bath works, too.

Aug 22, 2017
since 1991
by: ann

i have had this itch since 1991. Its not everyday, but when the "attack" hits it usually lasts for a few weeks, then it stops. I dont know where it goes. I tried the white toothpaste, and salt and it does work. I mean it really really works. i am so grateful for that. The only thing, i cant cover it so I have to re-do my sheets everyday because I get salt granules. I even heard of using capzasin. Anyone try that? I use the toothpaste and salt at night only. If not about 2 hours after i go to bed the itch starts and its maddening. I have an air-conditioner coil comb under my pillow just to scratch. This is so wild that so many people have it. Any other suggestions would be appreciated. But whoever recommended the white toothpaste and salt is my hero.

Aug 19, 2017
Me too
by: Rashmi

I never thought there are so many with the same problem as mine!! I'm going to try the "toothpaste plus salt" solution & I hope it works for me,too.
I,too, have this terribly itchy spot on my left foot for about last 10 years. I ,too, tried so many things but nothing worked.
Thanks all for sharing your experiences & experiments.
If the toothpaste thing doesn't work, I'm going to try more natural remedy of the "mustard oil & lemon".
Hope it works, keeping fingers crossed.

Aug 13, 2017
Terrible itch
by: Bikash

I have been having a localized itch on my heel for two years now. I have tried every topicals, fungal creams, and many home remedies. Nothing helps. First I tried some kind of oil - relieved me for a week and the itch came back. I tried Betamethasone Bipropionate - this helped for 5 days and again the itch came back. There is no stronger steroid than this. I am feeling this could be a neurological issue and I am going to try this TENS machine or RF Eblation.

Aug 11, 2017
Left Foot
by: Stephen

I read through aa lot of comments and found it interesting how many people have this problem on their left foot! Is that weird? Anyone have the issue on their right foot and I just missed it in the descriptions?

I fee like it acts up after I take my socks off from a long day at work or after intense physical activity where my socks get soaked with sweat.

My spot is located on my left foot and a couple inches below what I could call the index toe. The itch is unbearable at times and can lead to a small dime size irritates area. Sometimes I scratch at it until I peel the skin off my foot. I haven't even tried anything, I'm not even sure where to start. This has been an issue for 3-4 years.

Aug 10, 2017
That I am not the only one with that damned itch
by: Relieved

32 years, 20 for some of you. dear lord! 9 months here and is agonizing! Tried it all! The doctor is scratching his head ! The Oates was vinegar, apple vinegar!!! I may just break the bottle and scratch my foot with it!!

Aug 01, 2017
Itchy spot
by: Ang

Hi I also have this deep itch on my left foot below my big toe, drives me insane, like it will start as a tingle and then the itch....which seems to never want to stop
Poking sharp objects onto it seems to ease it but may last upto half an hour at times....very frustrated

Jul 23, 2017
Tried the tens machine
by: Jane

After reading the comments by Nellie I bought and tried a tens machine and it worked amazingly. I am not sure how it works,
but it does! My itch usually lasts a few days and goes away for months at a time.

Jul 21, 2017
by: Pintu

I had also been through this itchy,intrusive thing on my left foot and ofcourse in the middle of the foot. And after a 4 years it got hardened without any reason then i use "ECLOV-S" CREAM which remove that hardened part because of its ingredient of salicylic acid in cream. Afer few days that itchy problem again raise on the same spot with great intensity then i use the "MIX OF MUSTARD OIL AND LEMON" and rub the spot with this mixture now it has been completely gone and finally i get rid off this thing. One can also try this if have any.

Jul 20, 2017
My Remedy!!
by: Jennifer

A friend mixed some essential oils for me in a roller bottle to rub on when my foot gets itchy! Melaluca, peppermint, and lavender. A drop or two of each mixed with coconut oil has done the trick! She uses Do-terra oils

Jul 19, 2017
Try this
by: Going Crazzzzzzzy

The only thing that works for me is to submerge my foot in the hottest water I can stand. To the point it feels like I might be scolding my foot. In fact it's so hot I can only leave it in for a few seconds. Relief comes quickly but not always able to have a container of scolding water around.

I ordered a blood srgar test kit on the advice of my doctor to see if it could be related to adult onset diabatis.

Jul 13, 2017
Itchy right foot
by: Ayanna

Ive tried everything and the itch still won't go way on my right foot....

Jul 01, 2017
Left foot itch
by: Katie

I have this too, I have a spot on my left foot only just by my heel in the arch of my foot and it itches like crazy. I had it for about 3 months 3 years ago when I was pregnant and now it's come back (I'm not pregnant) At work I itch it all day on the edge of a Perspex box under my desk. It wakes me in the night too - it never goes and it's driving me CRAZY what can it be?

Jun 25, 2017
Duct Tape!!!
by: Trudy

Hi everyone, I too cannot believe there are so many of us with the same issue! I am convinced that it is indeed neurological. I used to scratch the hell out of my itch but have found it only aggravates it and causes more intense itchiness. I have been using duct tape on the itch on and off for a yr. At first sign of the itch, I put a good sized piece of tape over the itch and make sure no air can get inside of it. I leave it on until I have my next shower. I put it back on and leave it on between showers for about 4 or 5 days....The itch will disappear for up to 4 or 5 months at a time. It does return eventually and at first sign, on with the tape!! Good luck people and thank you for all the pertinant information.....

Jun 20, 2017
foot itch and parasites
by: Sara

I just read something online by accident about parasites. I have had a spot on the bottom of my right foot,center. at base of ball of foot; for over 10 years. Well apparently parasites can enter through your feet and create that type of itch thats deep. sugar and carbs they feed off of and keeping gut which is intestines and colon hydrated and working right can help get rid of them. I recently started taking digestive bitter extract and papaya enzymes. In a couple of weeks I have more energy and feeling alot better over. More energy, less depressed, and clearer thinking. So i'd suggest taking bitters, papaya enzymes and drink lots of water.Eliminate sugars and white breads. What can it hurt?

Jun 12, 2017
Same here
by: Gus

I've had it on the bottom of my left foot for over a year now. It's about the size of a quarter and itches like crazy sometimes. I've seen my doctor, a dermatologist, a podiatrist, been prescribed all kinds of topicals, and nothing has helped. None of the doctors have a clue what it could be. The only temporary relief I get is when I take an electric massager and put it right on the spot on the highest setting for a few minutes. It numbs the area for a awhile. It's driving me insane and I hate it!!

Jun 07, 2017
Itchy Foot
by: Vickie

Wow - who knew there was this many people with similar issues! I would caution people about Voltaren (pill form). It put me in the hospital with a severe reaction that sent my blood pressure through the roof! Anyone have the "recipe" for the toothpaste and salt?

May 25, 2017
Toothpaste/Salt measurements
by: E F

I want to try this 'cure' but not sure how much of each ...can someone throw that out there please. Thanks
I had this for about a year and it went away for a explanation and then it came back and really itches...going Ca-Razy!

May 20, 2017
Itchy heel
by: Jimmy

Have had same prob in my heel for years only time I have been rid of it is when I scratched a hole in my heel it did not reapear until the hole heeled over

May 15, 2017
Itchy foot dilemma
by: Nellie

I have had the same issue with my left foot. It has been ongoing for over 25 years. I tried Voltaren and it worked amazingly for a couple of years. The itch started up again a couple of days ago and the only thing that is working this time is a tens machine (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation machine) I put the pads on the bottom of my foot and turn the tens to a low setting which seems to trick the brain into feeling the impulse but not the nasty itch. At night I use the tens and can sleep soundly. I find that wearing a sock on the affected foot keeps the pads from peeling off during the night. I hope this helps.

May 01, 2017
by: Valerie

I've just started having a persistent, isolated itch on the bottom of my left foot last week and its been driving me so crazy. For some reason, my first thought was to check the reflexology chart for the bottom of the foot. It so happened that my spot lined up perfectly with the area for small intestines/ileocecal valve, and I've been having big issues with the same things! Wow. Could it be that our body has ways of speaking to us? I know not many people are aware of reflexology but i really am very interested to know if any of you notice the same thing when consulting the chart? A simple google search will bring up the chart, and i know you can pinpoint that itch! Lol. Give it a try! Mabye I'm onto something!

Apr 27, 2017
Right Side Always
by: Right Side Always

I have lower lumbar scoliosis, not that bad, and I find that anytime anything happens, it is always on my right side. The right side has the pinched nerves. My right foot has been itching (no bug bites, no rashes) after a virus this week. Thinking that it settled in my right foot. I am trying the toothpaste and table salt. Thanks everyone for posting - like all of you, just happy that I am not the only one!

Apr 11, 2017
Sooo itchy I can't sleep!
by: Anonymous

My spot is the meaty part between the sole and the upper pad of my foot on the sole. It's driving me insane! I had a few months relief after I put lotions on it. But now it's back! I wear work boots to work and my feet stay moist even with baby powder. I don't know how to make it stop! I have tried random objects to itch it lol. Feels good while your doing it! Lol. Sometimes I find it gets worse afterwards.ugh. To the doctor I go!

Apr 09, 2017
My cure
by: zurc

My itch started on the bottom heel of my left foot 32 years ago. I tried everything and I mean everything. Sprays, creams, home remedies and the only thing that gave me short term relief was a cheese grater. That's right a cheese grater to the bottom of my foot after a soak. The foot soak would soften the calous that developed over years of scratching and then I would pull out that grater and go to town. Once it hits a point that I was feeling the points of the grater reach live skin I would take out the sandpaper foot sander and go to town again and get the heel of my foot to a smooth bleeding mess. Then the next day the pain would keep the itch at bay for a few weeks. I decided to try one more podiatrist and she was able to end this nightmare. She said it was a neuropathic nerve and she took me in for RF ablation. It's been 6 years and now the itch is just starting to make a faint return. I WILL be going again for another ablation treatment.

Apr 08, 2017
My itchy foot
by: Brenda

I can't believe I'm not the only one suffering with this, as I read all the comments I'm cracking up because I too use a fork, I keep one on the nightstand for night time. I'm going to try the white toothpaste and table salt 3 times a day and see if that helps. Gotta go, time to get the fork.

Feb 28, 2017
Different foot same spot.
by: Peggy

It is so funny because I have an identical situation that has woke me up at 1 AM. I've had this spot for quite some time. It'll act up for about a half hour then settle down. It's not always at 1 but this happens to be the time I'm trying to find answers as to why. I'm talking to my doctor in the morning.

Feb 09, 2017
Itch btn 1st & 2nd toes on ball of left foot
by: Lisa

I itch on the ball of my left foot between the big toe & my long 2nd toe. I'm 52 & had this 40 years. I have been told it is my long 2nd toe, high arch, blah blah, but it is only on the left. Nothing makes the itch go away! In 2014 I learned I have Thorascic Outlet Syndrome on the left side, as well as an extra rib & scalenus minimus. I had to have surgery after becoming disabled. I learned the itch is probably a pinched nerve that originates up near my clavicle. Decompression surgery helped the itch & now it's bad only on days when I am having a lot of all-over pain & inflammation. If you have this itch, consider Thorascic Outlet Syndrome-common & misdiagnosed.

Jan 31, 2017
One Solution
by: Mikey

I came to this page because I have a crazy unsatisfiable inch on my foot today. Years ago I had a burning sensation on my feet; I noticed that it was stronger after I drank and was really strong if I drank red wine. Well, last night I had 3 beers, which is 2 more than I have had in a long time. I am chocking this itch up to the alcohol.

One of my doctors told me to start taking sublingual vitamin B too. I feel better when I take it.

Dec 24, 2016
going crazy
by: Joe

Mine started in the mid '90's after I rolled my ankle playing tennis. The ankle finally healed after a few months but the itching started. Just below the ball of my big toe. My doctor said it was tendonitis. He said take 2 Naprosyn every day. But that didn't help. It lasted about 10 years but finally went away. In January 2015, I injured my ankle again. Now the damn itching is back! It's driving me crazy. I'll be at work and I'll take my left shoe off and rub my foot against the sole of my right shoe. People probably think I have athletes foot but I don't. It just won'the go away! Wakes me up at night!
See if your doctor will give you a cortisone injection in that spot; it may alleviate the itching.

Marc Mitnick DPM

Dec 05, 2016
A FORK is the only solution for me...
by: Nana

*very healthy person
*had that deep itch on my foot and hands

(It will be either on the bottom, or in between any of the toes on either foot, and in between, or on top of my fingers on either hand) since I was a child.

*unrelenting, deep, painful itch with no redness, swelling, or bumps of any kind several times a year.

*have not seen a correlation with anything that cld cause it. Idt anything is wrong with me, maybe overactive nerves/immune system.

*fork works perfectly bc it is just sharp enough to not slice, but also be able to cut through to the itch. I rub the area until skin comes off (no blood) and I usually have scabs for a few days.

Nov 02, 2016
Itchy Foot
by: Janet

I experienced this itchy foot problem for 3 nights. The only thing that finally worked was a paste of baking soda. I wet a paper towel, applied the thick paste, put a dry paper towel then wrapped my foot in saran wrap. The next morning it was gone and hasn't yet returned. I think it was from a weed of some sort that caused allergic reaction. Fold the paper towels down to size.


Nov 01, 2016
Itchy spot on ball of foot
by: Lesley

I have this terrible itch on my left foot right in the middle of the padded ball. I've looked for any rashes or marks, nothing. I get great relief by using a wire brush but I rub at it so vigorously I eventually make it sore but the relief is fabulous. I had it 20 years ago and it eventually went away but this last six months it's come back. I rub it that much through the night that each lower sheet on the bed has a thin patch where I continually rub the itch.
I have tried anti-fungal cream but to no avail !
I'm now at my wits end to stop it.
I aggravate my husband and my children as I always have my left foot across my knee just rub rub rubbing for total relief
I'm so frustrated... help !

Oct 25, 2016
Trying something different for crazy itch
by: Helen

I have decided to try an antifungal cream. Ordered miconazale 2% from Amazon tonight. It doesn't look like ringworm but I have now noticed a small pea sized slightly reddish circle. Gonna try the cream, hoping it will stop the itch, stay tuned.

Oct 24, 2016
I see I am not alone!
by: Helen

The itch on my left foot, instep, started about 2 weeks ago. It woke me up at night. The only thing I could think of was showering at my sister's mountain cottage a few days before, without flip-flops. Alot of family and friends stay there this time of year. Well, my first thought was athlete's feet, which I have never had. Well, the skin on my foot is smooth and shows no signs of irritation. But the itch was endless. I applied cortisone cream, and with willpower, did not scratch for a while and itch finally subsided. I applied the cortisone everyday after as a preventative. But then I s killed a night and now itch is back. I tried the cortisone and it did not work this time. I took a benadryl with some relief. Right now I am trying the white toothpaste on area covered with big bandaids. I read about doing this on here. I find I get some relief if I press my foot up again my footrest on my incliner. This itch really is a nuisance and obviously a mystery to us as well as the medical community. Best wishes to all in finding a treatment that gets rid of this devilish itch.

Oct 24, 2016
Itchy left foot
by: Anonymous

I also have the itchy foot syndrome. Since I have metatarsalgia, I thought it was related to that, but according to the PA at my podiatrist's office, its not. She told me to go a dermatologist. Great, just what I need, to go to another doctor. I sometimes spray Listerine on it, but I'm wondering if I should try an anti-fungal cream as people have suggested.

Sep 25, 2016
Intense Itching in
by: Lucky Dragon

Let me start by saying: Oatmeal.

First the symptoms:
1. Intense itching in lower palms and feet arches.
2. No signs of rash or collection of welts, bumps, or lesions. Just normal looking skin.
4. Affected areas feel warm to the touch.
5. Ice packs feel sooo good and bring temporary relief to my insanity.
3. I suspect my husband thinks in crazy.

Its day two since my feet's arches and lower palms began their quest of causing me agony in the form of intense itching. Sleep was basically a no go and the little that I had was interrupted by me waking up to scratching the living heck out of my arches and hands.

At first I thought it might be a contact allergy since I have those from nickel and dust. Forming a hypothesis, I took to the faucet and acrobatically proceeded to wash off the supposed allergens.

Nope. Of course I say this because the method of washing didn't exactly help my skin. However, it may skill be a contact allergy.

Fast forward through antihistamine (10mg lotradine), countless ice packs, water baths, aquaphor, and relentless itching...

I discovered that oatmeal soaks give my hands and feet the best relief. The recipe is simple:

1 gallon cold water, filtered.
2 cups oatmeal
1 tsp green tea

Simply combine in large pot and let your feet soak in the soothing goodness. The relief is temporary but it does feel good and that moment of relief is amazing.

Sep 12, 2016

Hey everyone! I too have dealt with this itchy maddening annoyance! I too raked my foot across the carpet at quite an impressive speed might I add. It burned like a forest fire but that was still a million times better than that horrible itch. Solution: White toothpaste and table salt. You heard me right. I did this 3 times a day, covered it with a band aid and wrapped an ace bandage around my foot. In just 1 week that itchy monster was no more and never returned. Hope it works for you too!!

Aug 23, 2016
Decades Long Itchy Foot Spot
by: Itchy Brother

I've had the same small itchy spot on sole of left foot for over twenty years. I initially thought it was a lingering result from something that I had stepped on while wading in the ocean which gave me a deep painful sting!

Over the years I've had the itch drive me to 'digging' into it looking for a 'stinger', or anything thing that might be causing it. All that did was cause infection, don't do that!

After reading all these similar post, I see that it must be something more common (or did you all get stung in the ocean?) such as a nerve related issue.

Had a foot xray a few years ago for a torn Plantar fasciosis thing. Doctor said I had an 'extra bone' in my foot. Hope it wasn't a 'sea creature' living in there? I was having so much pain at the time with the PF that I forgot to mention the ongoing itch to the doctor.
The itch came back after the PF was cured. Guess you can only register so much pain/irritation from one area?

Best of luck to all my itchy foot friends out there. If you find a cure please post the results for the rest of the brotherhood.

Aug 21, 2016
Steroid cream
by: Holly

It's been several weeks now with the steroid cream (I definitely recommend cream, not ointment, bec cream sinks in down under the skin better to get to the itch, and it's less messy). The steroid cream has worked almost all the time...with the exception of the past two weekends when my husband and I have been painting our house in the heat. My itch is much stronger when my foot get hot, especially for any long period of time (like outdoor activity in the heat, or a long day at work with my feet trapped in shoes..but I am unusual I think bec, unlike most women whose feet get cold easily, my feet get hot easily, always have). So, with working in the heat painting, the inflammation has been worse, and the cream hasn't stopped the itch fully. Otherwise, the steroid cream has been working well.

Aug 20, 2016
I am not the only one
by: Happy Happy Joy Joy

I have poor health w/ MS, and totally thought that was it. MS doc says it has nothing to do w/ MS, it is a nerve thing, and not much they can do for it. So for 2 years I could have scratched the brick off my stairs. Taken my shoe off many times at the light, and to read this post about how I am not the only one is fabulous! Sorry you all suffer too, but kinda happy someone else does also! I will absolutely try the steroid shot and/or the cream. Ohhhh so can't wait to get relief. Good luck to all, and great posts from everyone!

Aug 03, 2016
a solution that is working for me
by: Anonymous

A week ago, my doctor prescribed me a steroid cream (Triamcinolone Acetonide 0.1%) which I apply 3 times a's supposed to reduce inflammation in and around that bundle of nerves, stopping them from overacting and causing deep itch. So far so good, the incessant itch in my right foot (caused by foot trauma/car accident/reconstructive surgery over 20 years ago) that used to keep me up at night has stopped (let's hope it stays that way). Maybe this will help someone else...

Jul 19, 2016
by: Holly

I will also be trying that Ectosone cream, too. I pray it works, I need some PEACE.

Jul 19, 2016
foot itch
by: Holly

Over 20 yrs ago, bad car accident crushed my right ankle, had reconstructive surgery including 2 ankle screws. After surgery, a deep, never-ending itch started in that foot about an inch below and between my big and second toe. Used a wooden spoon to scratch inside my cast. It was maddening.
Over 20 years later, the incessant itch continues. I too will try willpower to ignore it, until I give in. I've scratched with just about everything mentioned by others on this site..but my best scratcher - a large hair comb clip, one that you pinch to open...the "teeth" on both sides do a great job. I've scratched till the teeth break off one by one, till I have a blister and callous.
I've tried topical creams, anti-itch, and ones with pain reliever (since itch is below-threshold pain)..but the itch is too deep, the creams only sometimes work. The itch is keeping me awake at night.
I am going to try the suggestion make by someone on Oct 25 2015 about using a vibrating massager on the spot for 20-30 mins before bed to "scramble" those nerve reactions to quell the itch overnight so I can at least get some sleep!
And I will investigate the Voltaren and RF Ablation, too.
So hard to research this put key words like foot itch or nerve damage and you get stuff on psoriasis, athlete's foot, and diabetic nerve damage.
I've had trouble finding much info on deep nerve/foot itch (single nerve damage, or mononeuropathy), caused by trauma, and how to treat it.
If anyone knows anything else helpful for my situation please share. :-)

Jul 12, 2016
Benadryl and voltaren
by: Anonymous

Try 2 Benadryl at one time and prescribed dosage for rest of day. I keep voltaren for lower back and hip pain but do not take often but took 75 mg twice daily for this last deep foot itch which was the worst I've ever had. I'm thinking maybe food allergy...had eaten cinnamon in cookies. So the Benadryl and voltaren did finally stop the itch. This itch ran between my arthritic big toe and my 1st toe on the ball of my foot. I will keep both medications on hand hoping that I never have this horrible affliction again.

Always be careful about long term, chronic use of oral anti-inflammatory medication. A viable option might be to try topical Voltaren gel.
Marc Mitnick DPM

Jun 27, 2016
Deep Itch bottom middle into the right ball of my foot callus
by: JP

I've had a Deep Itch on the bottom middle and into the right ball of my foot callus. I have a tantric pad with sharp plastic discs that I stand on. It's an extreme pain & pleasure,but works. The worst is when I'm driving and have to take my shoe off and scrape it on the brake pedal when stopped. It can seriously drive you insane when it's bad. I'm going to try the Voltaren and Ice. Thanks for the tipstips.

May 29, 2016
reliable end to foot itch
by: Anonymous

It's not free and requires a prescription but Ectosone Cream (mild- ratio 0.05%) turns the itch off within 4-5 minutes. Itch gone. For months.
I suffered bouts of deep itching on my feet for about eight years. My son got the prescription for an itchy eczema rash. I tried it on my foot and sagged in relief. The intolerable itch plagues me no more.
This is a prescription topical cortisone cream and its effect on relieving local inflammation may indeed reduce itching. Certainly worth a try for most people.

Marc Mitnick DPM

May 20, 2016
It's my middle toe
by: Anonymous

I never thought it could be a nerve in the toe or caused by the back. I too have roto-scoliosis, 50 years now. But that certain toe started last year and I thought I cut it. Small cuts really tend to make me itch. The first time it showed up I itched it to the point that it swelled up so bad on the bottom of the toe. A water blister showed up on the bottom and on the top blister had popped after itching it badly. Don't pop the blister on the bottom. Worse thing to do. It made the itching worse than ever. I relieved some of it by putting my foot in hot water and epsom salt. I did that for a while. After a few days the itching dissipated. But I had sores healing up. When the itch shows up, I try to ignore it. Sometimes willpower is all I have. Then I realized reading this that my SI joint and sciatica was the cause of this one annoying toe itch. Apparently I need to know or find which part of the back and just stretch myself out to relieve the itch. That's my next step. Last step would be to get the doctor to give me that shot. I had to get a shot in my thumb because of trigger finger. The sleeve in which the tendon slips in and out was badly swollen. It's getting better but that shot hurt like hell. The shot in the toe would probably be worse. Stay strong and give yourself a dose of willpower. It will sooner or later pass. Oh and maybe use a cold pack. I have my foot on one right now and it's helping some. Stay Strong!

May 20, 2016
Possible Reason
by: Anonymous43

I've been having the same problem with a deep itch on the sides of my feet. I am Determined to find out the Reason and not just ways to treat the symptom.
I just started working for a Chiropractor and I heard our feet have 3 arches! I'm going in for an evaluation and will let you know. Also I want to look at where the attachments of the foot muscles are bc if they're getting pulled, that could Also be a reason. ;)

May 19, 2016
I thought I was the only one..thank you anonomys for all your work to find a cure!!
by: Jame

Oh my gosh I've had this problem since I was 13 years Old and am 36 now. It is so amazingly refreshing to see that someone else feels my pain. And thank you so much to the nice lady on here that's been to a 100 doctors to find a cure for her and us as well. When I was young I had mentioned it to my doctor and he told me it was probably a nerve problem after we tried creams but I have such terrible back problems I just assumed it was never gonna be able to be done away with. I have scoliosis to the left, am also left handed/sided, and my foot with the itch is in on the same side..on the inner side the arch. It truly sucks. I have used forks and the sides of coffee tables, sharpened my other toenail, used knives... All many times, which is so funny cuz a lot of those seem to be our go to A pumice stone in the shower helps me and is good too cuz over the years I have a huge calius there which makes it even harder to I also take a callous shaver and cut it off so deep that I can start feeling a little pain...that makes the itch much easier to get relieved. So yea not the prettiest nor funest thing to do but when you have a maddening itch and can't sleep at night it's what works to keep me goin. Can't wait to see if this woman getting the ablation gets hers fixed. Good luck everyone...and may something sharp always be with you! 😄...for your FOOT! Lol

May 16, 2016
foot arch itching, and right hand
by: Charlie

i have itching on both my arches of my feet, on the outer edge of the foot. i also have an itch that comes and goes on the back of right hand a little ways from the base of my thumb. i did notice on two occasions the and itch got really bad while shopping, while i was pushing a cart. i ended up putting a benadryl cream on it, and it seemed to help, so i started a second allergy medicine. it still happens but not very often, but that hasnt really affected my feet itching. i find when i am wearing socks and shoes, it is much better, but still there, and going barefoot is almost intolerable most times. i get athletes foot and thick toenails a lot, so thought that might be related somehow, but nothing seems to affect it, i just try not to go barefoot very often.

May 15, 2016
by: Anonymous

Having similar issue, first thing I. Looked for was a foot reflexology chart. Maybe focus on the internal organs where the source of itch represents. Mine is lungs/respiratory area which makes sense as my allergies are terrible right now. If you fix the body part associated with area, you may cure the itch. Dear lord please don't get a part of foot cut off!!

May 14, 2016
by: Anonymous

A few days ago both of my feet started itching. Same spot on each foot.where the arch an the part thats behind the big toe. Only relief ive been able to get. Is when i twist my feet into the carpet. The itch is under the skin so scratching it don't help at all. Im out of guesses of why it itches. Any thoughts of why or what it could be
In this instance I would look to the lower back as the source since the itching is occurring on the same spot on each foot.

Marc Mitnick DPM

May 06, 2016
Try ice
by: Anonymous

I have had this type of itching off and on for the past year. It started in my left foot on the bottom of my foot under the 4th and 5th toes. Now it also occurs in the top of my foot around the 3rd, 4th and 5th toes. I have used various itch and other creams and have been to the doctor. Two things have helped: ice applied to the site and an allergy medication.

May 05, 2016
by: Anonymous

It's amazing to find this site; I truly thought nobody else suffered from this. I'm going to try acupuncture. Thanks for all the good suggestions.

Apr 27, 2016
leaditchyfoot I call it.
by: Jim Porter

I developed this relentless itchy left foot about 2 years ago. It's in the vacinity of the arch and extends to the outer edge of the heal. No topicals worked. I have used forks and varoius items of self torture to relieve the problem. My final solution is this. I sit on the botton stair to my basement where I also keep a piece of "cut" tile. I use the cut edge to scrape fron the center of the foot toward the heal and around to the siede of the heal. I always scrape in the same direction. I actually do this with severe pressure. It's a work out. When I feel relief I stop. It then will stop itching at least for the next 24 hours. Sometimes it will begin again prior to 24 hours. I even keep a piece of this "cut" tile in my work van because the itch is so severe it will drive me to the nut house. This really works, try it.

Apr 18, 2016
Hi again
by: Anonymous

Hey everyone, another comment. I'm the one that's been getting MRIs and what not to try and get this issue solved.

Long story short, the ANSWER/SOLUTION is getting RF ABLATION. That is a procedure where effectively they give you a needle injection, send a jolt of electricity to that part of the nerve and, as a result, you don't feel that nerve anymore.

The problem is that they need to do the injection at the right spot along the problem nerve, otherwise you may affect other perfectly functioning nerves that leave you without feeling in other areas of your foot.

SO they have been giving me temporary nerve blocks to determine where they should do the injection. First time, they got the right spot and I didn't feel any itching BUT it made a large portion of my foot go numb, so I didn't want to do ablation at that spot otherwise I'd permanently lose feeling in those areas of my foot.

Second nerve block, they did TWO injections and missed the area completely.

So, I am NOW going to a foot and ankle orthopaedic surgeon this week that hopefully is more knowledgable about nerves in the foot and where the best place to do an rf ablation will be.
As always, I will update you when I can.

I am so determined to find a solution for all of us. I am just not getting a good nights sleep anymore and I'm not risking my health because of that, no matter how much money I need to spend.

Take care everyone.

This is not about knowing where the nerves are, any doctor who specializes in foot care will know the nerves in the foot.
The bigger problem is that the nerves do not necessarily travel in the exact same location in every one, as there are variations in the nerve distribution.
But perhaps the bigger issue is making sure you see a physician who is skilled in nerve ablation as this is not something every doctor performs.

Although I do not personally perform this procedure, it would seem to me that in order find a nerve large enough to ablate, you would end up with nerve issues elsewhere on your foot.

Have you ever had a cortisone injection directly into the itchy spot itself? If not, you might consider that first.

Marc Mitnick DPM

Apr 05, 2016
Insane itch
by: Anonymous

Always validating to see that others are suffering with the same thing. At least you know your not going crazy, although the insane intense itch makes you feel like you're heading in that direction at times. It just happened to me today, but It's been happening for me for about 5-6 years already. For me it's both feet, but not always at the same time, but today it was both of them. The most intense creepy crawling deep under the skin itch that's maddening and almost impossible to get it to calm down. Today it was relieved pretty quick, in about 15 minutes, but sometimes it can be off and on for an hour or so. I also agree it's a nerve issue.

Very interesting today for me. I was just thinking this morning that it hasn't itched much lately. Well, the kids and the wife have been on spring break for the last couple weeks and so I have not been to the gym. Well, today I went back, first I do the elliptical for a while and then weightlifting. Well wouldn't you know, home about an hour and boom, it starts with the right foot, then the left, with the right being much worse.

Firm believer now that foot trauma, even workouts, walking, running or overuse antagonizes the nerves and exacerbates this condition. like another poster on this board, I think I will use a handheld vibrator used for muscles on my feet to help calm the nerves next time. Might even be beneficial as preventative measure as well.

Apr 02, 2016
by: Susan

I'm so great full for all of these comments. At least I now know I'm not alone. The it can be so unbearable, but for all our sakes I hope someone has a solution.

Mar 31, 2016
See a chiropractor
by: Anonymous

Someone posted about having a chunk of meat taken out of their foot to relieve the itching. Surgery should always be the last resort! Try talking to a Good chiropractor as it is probably a nerve somewhere in your body giving your foot a hayday! Some problems aren't going to show up on an mri. If your body is properly alligned on a regular basis, often little bodily annoyances will disappear.

Mar 29, 2016
Bottom of toe itch by big toe
by: Anonymous

Thank you all for helping me realize that I'm not crazy with my itch that has no visible sign.

Mar 20, 2016
by: Allie

This is unbelievable. My husband thinks I'm losing my sh*t (excuse my language), but I have had the it most itchy little devil spot on my right foot about 2 inches below my middle toe, right between the ball of my foot and the stem of my pinky toe. IT'S BEEN UNCONTROLLABLY ITCHY FOR THE PAST WEEK, on and off (but mostly on). Itching it doesn't help, like others have said, it's a very deep itch. The only think I can think of doing that would relieve it is sticking a needle directly in the middle of the itch. No visible difference between the itchy spot and the rest of my foot. No redness, blister, dry skin, flakiness, wart, nothing. Just an itch. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP.

Mar 16, 2016
I have arthritis
by: Anonymous

I have rhematoid arthritis which has disfigured the bones in my feet, which at times causes itching, pain and calluses on the bottom of both feet.

I suggest to those who have unexplained itching at the ball of the foot to see a podiatrist who can thoroughly examine whether the itching might be due to a bone issue within the foot, rather than just being only skin deep.


Mar 16, 2016
Acupuncture Stimulation
by: Lucy

I’ve had this one itchy spot under the skin of my left foot on the outer side/bottom by the heel of my Midfoot for 4 ½ years and have bought all kinds of fungal creams, powders, and sprays but they haven’t helped. The area looks completely normal which makes me feel even crazier when I show people.

I can remember when it started like it was yesterday. I was sitting in this class and felt this strong itch and I almost kicked my shoe off to scratch it. I had never felt anything like it. It's mainly itchy at night and I started using a hard plastic fine tooth comb to scratch it. Sometimes a blister will form if I scratch it for too long… but sometimes it just feels so good to scratch it that I don’t care. Luckily, the blister doesn’t hurt because the skin is tougher in that area.

The other day, I asked my acupuncture about it and he said that he wasn’t sure what was causing it but it might have something to do with circulation. He asked if I wanted him to stimulate it and at this point, I’m down for anything so he stuck a small needle in and moved it back and forth without taking it out for about 10 seconds and it felt SO GOOD to actually scratch the spot that was itchy. It didn’t itch for about 4 days but has started back. I will try the tape but figured I’d share a short term remedy in case you ever get to that point…

Mar 14, 2016
by: Fabian

Wow! I don't understand how so many people have the same devil itch spot under a foot, and no official diagnosis has been shown/found! I'm 36 y/o, and have had this crazy itch spot under my left foot, about 2 inches under my fourth toe. I've had this for about 6 years now, and for about 2 years it stopped, but now it's back full force and driving me nuts. There's sort of a pea size cyst deep under the skin, and I scratch at it with great fury, using anything I can get my hands on, knife, fork, screw driver, corner of tables. I've even allowed my right toe nail to grow a bit longer just so I can scratch it better at night, when it's worse. If I scratch it till it hurts, it quiets down for a few hours. It gradually increases the itching by the time my work day is over. I don't have any back problems that I know of. A few years back when it was itchy like crazy, I felt not a spot, but a 1,5 inch long hardened nerve that was itching. It was on the same area as the spot now. I'm going to try Voltaren cream...for some reason I think it'll help. I'm so glad to have found all your posts. I hope we find a definite solution some day. Good luck to us all!

Mar 02, 2016
by: Anonymous

HI guys, I've commented previously about how I was getting an MRI for my itchy foot. Nothing came of it. They even gave me an injection that is meant to allow nerves to show up on MRI's, and they couldn't see any nerve damage or irregularity.

SO tomorrow I have an appointment booked with a surgeon. If his solution is just to cut a big chunk out of my foot where the itching is happening, then hopefully that will just stop the bloody itchy spot. Again, I suspect it is a nerve damage or nerve issue, as itching is actually a form of pain.

So, I will continue to update you all on my situation. If this works for me, then maybe you all can follow what I did and get a good result.

Mar 02, 2016
red spot itch bottom of foot
by: Anonymous

I had a small round red spot on the bottom of my foot about the size of an eraser head. It itched but also felt like a bruise. This was 3 years ago. Not I have 3 nickel-sized red spots ( more like pinkish) that itch and tingle deep inside the foot. It was so bad one night I felt like lighting a match to it to make it stop. I saw a dermatologist and she had no clue what it was.She did a scraping but did not see anything. The only thing I can remember is stepping on a plug and really bruising my foot badly a few years ago.
The area feels kind of thick. The strange thing is it doesn't itch when I am up walking. I have tried fungal creams, bleach, alcohol, peroxide to no avail. Anyone have any ideas?

Mar 01, 2016
Itchy itchy!
by: April

Tonight I had an intense itch on the bottom of my left foot, from where my middle and fourth toe meet my foot, down to about 2 inches. I rubbed it on a fluffy comforter, carpet, scratched relief. I found this page and read a comment about a hand held massager helping. That worked wonderfully! I still have a little itching but I only used it about 3 minutes so after this post I will use it a little longer.

Feb 25, 2016
Glad I'm not the only one!
by: Jennifer

I've had an insanely itchy spot on the ball and directly below for the last 20 years. I itch it on just about anything - carpet, concrete, with scissors, knife. It blisters and then turns to a callus. I regularly use a stone to remove the dead skin and I keep my feet hydrated. It's itchy all day and all night. I wake up in the middle of the night itching. I've tried ice, ignoring the itch hoping it will one day go away and lots of topical. I'm now looking into RF Ablation. Anything to get some relief because I'm sure carrying around scissors in my purse looks suspicious and it's driving me insane!

Feb 03, 2016
Right foot bottom itch
by: Ralph

I have an itch on the bottom right foot for a little over a year now. In the beginning the podiatrist tried a number of topical treatments, nothing worked. I had a neurologist look at it and it was determined that it most likely was coming from my lower back. Doctor was wise enough to try me on gabapentin to see if it was nerve oriented and after taking 100 MG at night and every 8 hours it stopped the itch; it stopped itching when I took the first pill. I only took the gabapentin for a month just to have this type of relief as it wasn't a cure; just a great diagnostic tool. (After a week I increased dosage to 200MG.) I decided to stay off the gabapentin because it's not going to cure it. I still have the itch but, I somewhat became used it. If it gets worse I'll have to try what others stated above. Hope this helps thanks everybody.

Jan 03, 2016
Same thing happening to me today a ensane itch
by: Joel

i am so glad I came here tonight my name is Joel and the same thing is killing me. The back of my left heal itches so badly I take a razor and cut dead skin folk or what ever. I have never had such a terrible itch driving me crazy. I researched this subject matter. And it may be we have diabetes that can only be the answer and the solution to our nightmare.

Dec 27, 2015
Joint pain or Arthritis
by: Anonymous

Does anyone or everyone have arthritis. I do and wonder if there may be a connection. Just a thought.

Dec 27, 2015
by: Anonymous

Like the rest of you, sure glad I'm not the only one. But hate to hear others suffer with this.Mine is left foot just in front of the heel. I haven't seen a doctor yet. Wasn't sure who to see. What ever you do,,don't use the corner of your coffee table.It feels great, but the finish is gone.I do have major back issues , so maybe I'll start with that ave.and see where it leads. I'll check in as well.HOPEFULLY with positive news. Thanks

Dec 27, 2015
both feet
by: Anonymous

yes my friends, you read it right.

i never know when it will start or which foot will

be affected. it seem that my case is caused by

stress. i have found that scratching with a tool

or on a carpet just irritates it more plus it could

damage the skin.

Dec 13, 2015
The itch that never stops
by: Anonymous

OMG I'm not crazy after all I have had this intense itch as well . It feels like you have something crawling deep in your sole .. A fork, a nail file, knife , you name it I've tried it scratch till it is so sore it no longer itches... Why is there no cure

Nov 30, 2015
by: Anonymous

Went to a neurologist.

He gave me a botox injection to the foot, which hopefully will provide me with up to 3 months relief. But because these are so expensive ($500 each), it isn't a viable long-term solution.

He also provided me with a script for local anaesthetic sticky pads, which I'll place on the itchy spot before bed. Hopefully that will allow me to sleep. But again, not a long-term solution, as the pads are relatively expensive too. But, at least it can provide me with some relief.

Last, I am getting an MRI done. If there is any nerve damage or inflation, he can advise me better as to whether RF Ablation is the best option for a longer term.

Hopefully these experiences of mine informs you all and potentially push you in the right direction.

I will post another update once my MRI is done.

Nov 27, 2015
by: Anonymous

ive been suffering for this for probably about ten years. has driven me half insane in the time. glad to know what it might be

Nov 22, 2015
RF Ablation
by: Anonymous

Hi again everyone

So I've finally cracked it and I've booked in to see a neurologist next week.

The only thing I've seen through my hours of searching the net to be a sure way of stopping the mysterious itchy spot on foot is "RF Ablation". I need to see my GP and hopefully I get the referral to the neurologist. At both times I will make clear that I know this is a nerve issue and topical creams will not do the job. I will suggest this procedure and HOPEFULLY they will book me in to get in done.

I will post any updates as they're available.

I really hope rf ablation is the procedure I'm looking for. I'm sick of not being able to sleep properly and being constantly frustrated throughout the day.

Nov 19, 2015
Crazy Itch!!!
by: Anonymous

Me Too!!!
Left foot 2 inches under pinky toe. Very deep into the muscle. Have to really get after it to get any relief. Mine is only occasionally tho.

Nov 15, 2015
Itch on bottom of foot
by: Lisa

I have degenerative disc disease and severe nerve damage from a ruptured disc in my back which pinches my sciactic nerve all the way down to my toes. I too have a spot on my right foot under my big toe that constantly itches every day. Only when I dont have shoes on. As someone mentioned creams dont help nerve. Scratching it on something ruff helps to stop itch. If it is nerve issues for you all as well remember the hotter the muscle gets the more the swelling and more pinching to nerve which means more itching. I would put baby powder in your socks to prevent moisture that causes itch as well. It helps alot. The hotter the foot gets the more it will itch. Good luck all. Hope this helps.

Nov 09, 2015
Me too
by: cbeck70

I have this exact same itch but disappointed there's nothing I can do about it, it's on my left foot where my heel meets the arch of my foot and itches like crazy but there's nothing there. Very irritating. Glad I'm not crazy and I have also picked up strange objects to scratch, only makes it worse!

Nov 07, 2015
Chronic Foot Itch
by: Anonymous

Six years. Deep itch on side of left foot just toward heel from ball of foot. Develops callus & gets itchy no more than 2 days after I treat it. I soak it to soften it, then scrape away dead skin with serrated pocket knife. Have used dremmel tool, near boiling water, antifungal cream, hydrocortizone, bleach, cleanser, ascorbic acid, salicylic acid, wart remover and never found relief for more than a day or so. Going nuts. Can't sleep. Sick and tired of dealing with it. It has never spread. Ready to cut it out.

Nov 01, 2015
Oh yay! Me too!
by: Anonymous

So interesting to read these comments. I have the itchy spot too, about the size of a pea, deep and unscratchable and usually only at night or when I am napping. I rub it furiously on the edge of the bed. It's on my left foot, about a quarter inch under my fourth toe. I also have low back pain, but the itch precedes the pain by several years.

Oct 25, 2015
by: Anonymous

Hi everyone,

So like you all, I've suffered from the mysterious itchy spot on foot for several years now. Recently it's been affecting my ability to sleep. I would wake up in the middle of the night, sometimes several times, to an itchy foot. The fact that it started to affect my ability to sleep was a cause of concern from me, because sleep is important. It was no longer a mere inconvenience.

And over the years I've tried everything. I tried topical creams, the good old 'sticky tape' on and around the itchy spot, and even resting my foot on an ice pack to numb the itchiness. I did not find any of these to be successful.

So, I started to think. I knew that this probably was a nerve issue. The itch is a 'deep itch' and not merely on the surface of the skin, so it wasn't a skin issue. Specifically, it's probably a nerve that has just gone crazy and my brain keeps sending signals to itch it. I know that my mum has this issue, so it could in fact be hereditary.

So, knowing it was a nerve problem, I thought of an idea which has actually helped me get a proper nights rest. I purchased a hand held massager, typically one you would use for sore muscles (i.e. on your back). This one has a piece of rubber at the end that vibrates very fast, so it's great for getting rid of knots in muscles. What I did was simply press the massager at full blast on the itchy spot for about 20 minutes or so before bed (the more the better). My hope was that this would 'crowd' the nerves around my foot, such that my brain would not send the signals to the nerve to itch it. To put it another way, I hoped the vibrations and pulsating from the massager would numb the nerve temporarily.

And it has worked. The first and second nights I've tried it, I managed to get a much better sleep. While I woke up once, the itching was no where near as intense. I've also found that using the massager for longer periods before bed (i.e. 30minutes plus) is more effective.

Now, to determine whether this was actually a solution and not merely a placebo effect, the third night I did not use the massager at all. Sure enough, at 4am, I woke to vigorous itching, much worse than the other nights. The next night I then used the massager again, and I did not get itching that bad.

So, long story short, I've managed to find a temporary solution that at least helps me sleep. Yes, I still get the itching throughout the day at times, sometimes very bad, so I feel tempted to itch my foot on something pointy. BUT, at least in terms of me being able to get to sleep for once without waking up to itching, I've found this method to be effective.

I hope that this method is successful for all of you suffering from sleep issues due to the isolated itchy spot on the bottom of your foot.

Take care :)

Oct 21, 2015
by: Jacqui

I'm here researching as well because I've had the same problem for years and years now. On my right foot, just where my heel meets the rest of my foot, I have a hard bump about the size of a quarter. The itch will be so intense sometimes that I'll have to kick my shoe off in a hurry and find something hard and pointy to scratch it with. I have a screw driver I keep by my bed to scratch it with. Everytime I think about going to the doctor, I talk myself out of it because I'm sure it's some kind of nerve damage and probably not much they could do about it anyway. Would like to know for sure what it is, though!

Oct 20, 2015
Itchy foot in spots
by: Anonymous

It starts as a spot that starts to swell like a small rubber ball under the skin. Then the itching starts to the point its unbearable. My foot will swell on the top and bottom along with toe's swelling. The only way to get it to stop itching is to take 2 Benadryl 25mg the swelling usually takes a couple of days to subside. It happens in both feet.

Oct 14, 2015
Terrible itchy spots
by: Itchy foot

I've got itchy feet too! It's so terrible that I can't think of anything else in the moment. It's usually really bad at night time and when I come home from work. My feet get really sweaty and I have these large white spots after I take off my shoes and socks (it's basically dead excess skin but it's all soft like when you get out of the shower...I know gross right? :( I e gone to the skin doctor and it's not athletes foot. He said I just have extra skin on my feet, but I probably have extra sweaty feet too so I'll need to go back in to check on that...but oh my gosh my feet itch every day! I itch them on the carpet and on the foot of the bed... It's so embarrassing but I can't find relief any other way. I'm really sorry for all of you who suffer with these itchy foot symptoms's horrible! :(

Sep 23, 2015
Me too
by: Anonymous

Ivebeen suffering with this THe past few weeks and it's the most insane itching I've ever experienced ! Starts with a tingle and progresses to this need to dig it out of my foot ( right foot just below the ball of the foot) . Nearly always when I'm resting and last night for about an hour keeping me awake! I do suffer with lower back problems but everything seems ok at the moment . Will mention to the doctor next week .

Sep 18, 2015
Glad I am not alone.
by: N

It is 3am and I am up searching itchy feet. Not just itchy but a devil itch as someone described. I tried the cold pack that did not help, I now have tape on the itch. It seems to be helping some. Although I am glad I am not alone in this I am disappointed to hear that there does not seem to be a cure. I am noticing the trend of lower back trouble associated with this. I guess I will just have to grin and bear it as I wear out my carpet from rubbing my foot on it

Sep 11, 2015
Itching on the bottom of the foot
by: Anonymous

I heard the itching of the left side of the bottom of the left foot below the toe Could be related tto warms in the stomach.

Sep 10, 2015
by: Anonymous

I have had this on the arch of my left foot for years now. I knew that my mother suffered from it as well - I remember as a kid watching her scratch the bottom of her foot with a fork. I later found out that both of her sisters have it, my grandmother had it and her mother had it. In all of the comments I have seen online about this unexplained itchy foot, I have never seen anyone mention a hereditary factor.

Aug 30, 2015
The devil itch in arch of right foot
by: M Rose

Like everyone else says: amazing not alone in this misery. Loved reading about how we all try to attack the itch. I have just used ice on it. But will use the tape mentioned in previous note. I get the itch on arch of my foot at night. But like someone else mentioned it will also be on a finger and just itch till it bleeds. Thankx for this page to help us all know we aren't nutz. Just glad this doesn't happen all the time, but when it does here I am at 1:30 in the morning looking up a cure on the internet.

Aug 19, 2015
Deep Itch
by: Melvyn

It's the same for me. Happens mainly when I drive, though it comes on unexpectedly with no pattern to it at all. From reading here, I find the neurological explanation perhaps related to the lower back quite convincing. Disappointed though that there appears not to be a remedy. A visit to the doctor is probably required.

Aug 18, 2015
Deep itch
by: Anonymous

I have had this problem for several years. I may have months of no foot itch and then it comes back. The only relief I can get is from products like Icy Hot, Ben Gey or some other muscle rub. Yes it burns sometimes, but that is better than the intense itch!
I also get this in my fingers as well. Not as bad as my feet, but very irritating!

Aug 13, 2015
Itchy spot on foot.....
by: L. Perry

I also have this itching on the bottom of my left foot on my heel area. The skin is thick and firm and It itches very deeply. I have used a coarse pumice block, a fork, a letter opener, my old bowling shoe brush, and even opened up the area to see if anything was lodged in it, but nothing helped!! None of my doctors even know what brings it on. It will go away for a couple of months and then just when it's become a faded memory, there it is again. This has been going on for at least 10 years. Nothing is wrong with me other than having issues with my back and neck. I have had 3 neck fusions and one in my lower back 5 years ago, and have recently learned that I have 2 new herniated and 7 new bulging discs in my t-spine section, so the back problem theory is making some sense to me! So happy I found this web site! So happy to know I'm not going nuts and I'm not the only one!! Anyone want to start an itchy foot club?!!!!

Aug 11, 2015
Food Allegy
by: Anonymous

A friend of mine had an itch in the same place for 3 years, no where else just the same place on her foot. she had a food intolerance test which revealed she was intolerant to Gluten...she stopped Gluten, the itch stopped too...go figure!

Jul 14, 2015
Foot itch
by: Anonymous

I get that itch once in a while and it is extremely debilitating...when I'm driving and suddenly get it I feel like I'm going to crash the's really weird...I think its a nerve thing ....I've actually run out of stores just to get relief for the itching....why doesn't anyone know what it is?

Jul 05, 2015
itchy scratchy. ....
by: debby

Omg, so glad to know I am not crazy. .. my itch is on my right foot lower area of my big toe. It has been itching for about 30 years with a brief period a few years back when I was on birth control, not sure why. I have never told a doctor for fear they would think I was crazy. I itch it on EVERYTHING and my husband refers to it as the THUG" and itchy scratchy, because it is constantly looking for something to scratch on lol. Only relief now is when I scratch to hard on some sharp surface and it bleeds. Glad to know I'm not alone THANKS! :)

Jun 27, 2015
Suffer with itchy feet
by: Ginni

Three years ago my right foot started to itch in the arch,the skin started to become thick and at night the itch was so intent that it was hard to sleep.I went to a podiatrist and they prescribed a fungal ointment that I used for 4 months. Needless to say it did no good and only spread to the left foot.The Dr. Could not figure out what the problem was,but at the time I was having back issues,and now feel that they are connected.I have found that using a electric callous remover to keep the skin from getting thick works great and I use hand sanitizer on them morning and night.There are not itch free,but they are much better than they were.I'm not sure what it's caused from,but it's nice to know that there is someone else that knows what you are trying to explain.

Jun 13, 2015
Try gel antiinflammatory
by: Anonymous

I used voltaren (prescription) anti-inflammatory gel on it. I just tried this and it worked right away. The gel is expensive but so worth it. I use it otherwise for my knee.

Jun 07, 2015
Deep itchy sole (right foot)
by: Anonymous

I've had this problem for a few years now. I'm happy to know I'm not going crazy because this thing is mysterious! The itch is deep in the sole of my right foot and nothing helps. I need help.

May 28, 2015
Itch Itch go away don't come back another day.
by: Faith

Well my itch started roughly a week ago. I scratch it like everyone else on carpet,the side of the bed, with my hand you name it. There is nothing there! My husband just shakes his head because he can't see anything. My mother suggested I try soaking it in epson salts or vinager I will try that tomorrow. I recently had surgery and I still have some pain medication left over if I take that I get some relief in order to sleep. Those of course will soon be gone. My itch is in the upper part of the arch. It's really frustrating. I know I have high liver enzymes and lately I have had pain on both of my sides and lower back. This is not fun at all.

May 21, 2015
Hormone related?,
by: Anonymous

My itch started with my first pregnancy. Knew I was preg the second time bc the itch came back. Has been rare since the third was born. Been having strange cramps lately and the itch is back with a vengeance. No lower back pain. And I looked on a foot map to see what organs were in the area of the itch and I don't have any kidney issues that I know of. Google estrogen and foot itch but it seems to be all over the feet and not a specific spot like I have.

Apr 25, 2015
other possibility
by: Anonymous

I have had the same problem for years, right foot front edge of heel very deep. I find it gets far worse when I drink Mt. Dew. I also have lower back pain but the itchiness was before the back pain. Just wondering if any of you afflicted by this problem have very healthy diets. The few people I have spoke with suggest that that spot on the foot is connected to digestion and the stomach. I not saying soda drinks are the only cause but I have tested it a little. It gets worse when I drink them and its doesn't just go away after a few days. If I militant in what I am ingesting It seems to reduce the issue. If I have it under control for a while all I have to do is drink a Dew and that night the itching is extreme. I don't what to destroy my foot. Some genius must have an answer. There are to many of us for this not to have a cause. obviously I have stopped drinking Dew.

Apr 22, 2015
It is driving me mad
by: Christina

I've had this itchy spot on the sole of my left foot for around 10 years, but during the last year it has become a nuisance. I scratch every evening like mad and it just doesn't go away. It's worse when I wear socks and a little better when I am barefoot and nothing is touching my foot. I don't want to spend the rest of my life feeling the need to scratch!

Mar 20, 2015
Will it stop
by: Anonymous

Ive had this for the last two years and I have tried everything that was listed even scratching with steel wool and wire brushes ment for pool cleaning. Ice helps but who wants cold feet. Ive peeled skin ive dug with needles ive tried the duct tape. Im going to try burning it next with a hot coal. My mom is q dr and has watched me do all the things blood work cutting she doesnt condone harming myself but has told me living comfort outways the risk so tonight im gonna burn away ill get back with the outcome

Nov 19, 2014
Severe itch on the base of my toe on top of foot next to the pinky seems to be on the base of the bone
by: Losing it!

I have had this crazy itch as if I was bitten by a bug, which is what I thought at first. But, no signs of a bite and nothing is there yet the itch is making me insane. I scratch it and then the bone becomes sore. Ive had this for over 6 months. I cant imagine what it could be. My dog as we all know they sense things would go over and try to lick it. Very odd! I have severe back problems and Chrones Disease. Pinched nerves and many upper disc problems but, this is an on going problem for 20 years. I cant imagine this being related not after all this time. Have had blood work done nothing relating to this problem but, a series of blood tests routine checks. Everything, liver, kidney, etc comes up fine. Im running myself not only crazy with the itch but now my mind is playing tricks on me thinking something bad is going on so I am freaking out! Someone Please put my mind to rest. Oh Forgot to mention an important thing lately have been getting unbelievable leg cramps starting in the inner leg going down to my feet where my toes cramp so bad they actually stand erect ...Wondering if that caused nerve damage...siiiiiiigghhhhhhhh..........Totally Lost!

Oct 27, 2014
Same Here
by: Anonymous

I read this and thank gosh I am not nuts. I have had the "itch" on my right foot on the outside part where you walk. It covers about 3 square inches. It has driven me nuts for 15 years now, however; I am having severe lower back issues currently and my itching has also increased.
I scratch also, but find no relief. Tea Tree Oil after scratching used to create an effect that seemed to help, but that is failing me this time. I am going to try the duct tape mentioned in an older post.

Oct 16, 2014
by: Anonymous

Same problems, and it's sucks! A couple of weeks ago I peeled the skin from the bottom of my left foot, for a little relief. That didn't help, but for a few minutes. So no only did I have an itchy foot, it was sore from the peeling down so far. HELP!!

Oct 16, 2014
Itchy left sole
by: Anonymous

I have the same symptoms under my left foot since years. I did not count how many...
I have a problem with sciatic nerve
Also, I suspect that it might be related to intestines. Because, that region is related to intestines looking at the foot massage chart.

Either nerves or some other organ in the body. But it is there for a reason. Do not overlook it.

Oct 10, 2014
SO glad to know I am not crazy!
by: juststeve35

Well, at least not because of this insane itch...

You all have my empathy and sympathy, as my favorite tool of late is an old school wooden backscratcher that lets me get some serious leverage and offers two sharper 'corners' for reaching depth.

Been about a year for me, and the entire pad of my right foot (below the big toe) is a vaguely numb, thick patch of skin with a spot smaller than a dime where the skin is broken and tender.

Gonna try the adhesive tape tonight (Duct tape... It really has endless uses!) and will report back how it works out.


Trust me, I've tried far crazier and riskier things than a patch of tape to get relief!

Oct 03, 2014
Itchy Spot
by: Anonymous

I have been suffering with this for about a year, it is on the bottom of my left foot just below the big toe and down about an inch. There is nothing to be seen or felt, and finally I went to the dermatologist yesterday. They couldn't see anything either, and gave me a topical cream to try. The doctor said it could be a neurological issue, (from lower back) or a liver or kidney problem. Not sure what is going on but now I am really concerned. Going to follow up with me PCP for bloodwork.

Oct 02, 2014
Itchy area on sole of foot
by: Anonymous

I've had intense itching deep inside the sole of my foot on and off for a few months. Like other comments, no amount of scratching would ease it when it came on for no apparent reason. Last night I took the advice of one of the other posts and put a very sticky plaster over the area. Within a few seconds the itching sensation had gone and it hasn't returned. If it comes back I'll do the same. Thank you to the lady for giving this advice.

Oct 01, 2014
Nerve activity
by: Anonymous

I suffer this itch, precisely as described - its area specifically in the arch of my left foot. I am also epileptic, with uncontrolled seizures, and a great many other neurological 'sensations' and experiences. Thus, I am well aware of my nerves behaving bizzarely, as it is. I also suspect it is due to liver toxicity - I have undertaken detoxification.

Aug 28, 2014
Runs in the family?
by: Anonymous

My deep itch is on the arch of my left foot. Like most others who complain about it, it seems to be worse at night. I just found out that both my mother and my grandmother suffer from the exact same itch in the same spot. Anyone else who has the itch know if there are others in your family who suffer from it?

Jun 22, 2014
Did a surgery cured it?
by: Anonymous

I have experienced a very intense deep itch right below the ball of my right foot. Nothing would make rid of it. I tried topicals, scratching, stretching, massage, and ice. Nothing worked. When I touched the area, it became worse. It happened usually at night. This last week I had a hysterectomy and the surgeon also released an intestinal adhesions. I woke up from surgery and haven't had any itching at all. Not sure if there was a connection or if this is temporary. I only hope the itching does not come back. Any body else experience a sudden stop like this?

Jun 20, 2014
query to my fellow tortured scratchers
by: itchy and scratchy!

So glad to read this thread and realise I am not alone in my ailment....although I want to pose a question for those afflicted.....I also have a really bad problem that has been associated with my phrenic nerve but people mostly think im talking crazy....sometimes when I move my head, I begin to cough. It feels like I have stuck a cotton bud too far into my ear. I could be talking to someone sitting to my right, bending my head to read a text or lying my head on a pillow. I have visited many docs but no cure. Any ideas?

Jun 02, 2014
deep itch
by: Anonymous

Mine is on the heel and have had it for 30 years. I have used keys, brushes, wire, rocks, and anything else that worked. This now caused my skin on the heel to develop a thicker skin on this area which made it worse so stepped up my game to a grater and sander which would provide great relief especially once it got very low where it would bleed then I would get it in some ice water...what a relief but it would always sneak back especially when I wore thicker socks. Yes I saw MANY doctors who were useless...well not really they were great at getting paid. I didn't know getting a medical degree precludes you from saying "I don't know what it is" Then finally while considering battery acid I decided one more doctor and YES she was the one. I brought in my tools and the history, even a long term blog of our kind. She gave me a pain patch which was useless so she told me its neurological but she set me up for RF Ablation which blocked the feeling for about 4 years. I am just now starting to feel the itch again but not as it once was so I will be planning to have this procedure again and doing my best to keep the skin from getting too thick.

May 30, 2014
same thing
by: Anonymous

Oh my I have the same thing on my left foot on the ball of the foot. It began itching about a month ago. Its weird only at night.nothing stops it no matter what I do.any suggestions?

May 13, 2014
by: Anonymous

SOLUTION!!!! My husband has the same thing. It was driving him crazy. There was nothing bumps, no rash, no redness. Nothing. He would spin around on the carpet or use anything sharp to scratch at it and nothing would bring him relief. He said the itch felt like it was deep down below the skin. After tons of searching online, I saw somewhere to try medical tape. Cut a piece of very sticky tape just a little big bigger than the itchy area and put the tape over the area. Your nerves will be so busy sending signals to your brain that there is tape on your foot, that it won't have time to send "itchy" signals. My husband's itch came back four nights ago, so he tried the tape, and within a few seconds the itch was gone and has not been back. (He removed the tape about 15 minutes after the itch went away and has not used any since). If it comes back, I know he'll use the tape again. Hope this helps some of you that are at your wit's end!

Apr 16, 2014
Itchy Spot
by: Jon

I have had the same thing for just over THIRTY years.

Exactly the same spot. Itches like mad. Nothing ever stops it unless I scratch it until it bleeds which gives relief for a while. I am considering branding it with a hot knife or something to kill the nerve.

Been to doctor many times with it. Gave up doing this some years ago since I could tell they had run out of ideas and thought it was psychosomatic or something.

Feb 15, 2014
Foot itch
by: Jhendi

I have a similar problem. It's horrible and only happens when I go to bed. I use a nice pack. I have to keep it on until it's warm and then use another and keep repeating it until it's gone. It's really cold and unpleasant but it helps a bit.

Dec 28, 2013
Same here!
by: Anonymous

I am having the same issue in the same spot and its bugging me terribly. I have minor lower back pain from epidurals and childbirth but not enough to bother me. I also dug out a plantar wart on that foot in my teens- about 20 years ago so I'm not sure if its the exact spot. I'm not sure how any of this correlates. The itch is deep and I can feel a small knot under there but after digging found nothing. Lotrimin is not helping. I find myself rubbing it on the carpet. I guess I'll try new shoes, already replaced 2 rounds of socks. Good luck finding relief and post if you find it.

Apr 30, 2011
i had this..
by: dawn

i had this for at least a year. on my right foot at the base of my right toe. it was terrible itchy. i would scrub and scrub it on the carpet to get some relief. i tried all creams/sprays. went to dermatologist had her biopsy it... found nothing. even after having a hole cut out of my toe, it went back to itching. then, i decided to throw ALL of my shoes out. i did, and then the itchy went away. i haven't had any problems since. the dermatologist couldn't understand what was going on.

Apr 01, 2010
itch on bottom of foot
by: Anonymous

Try an ice pack. It freezes the nerve until the itch stops. Can take 1/2 hour - icing on and off.

Nov 09, 2009
To Anonymous
by: Janine

What are you doing to stop it? Mine started up again,strongly. I'm about to call my doctor. But still hoping someone has tried something other than cutting out the area. I've been moving andon my feet non-stop. Its really really bothering me.

Nov 08, 2009
I am relieved now
by: Anonymous

'Anyway I just wanted to say that I'm pretty sure I know the itching sensation you described, as it seems I have the same sensation the same spot on the same foot. I hope you find something at works for you."

I just copied from the last post and pasted it to prove the point that I too have the same problem.

Now I am relieved literally believe me I was worried how come that I have this type of isolated itch and no doctor could diagnose. Atleast I am happy that it is not only me and there are some who have the same problem.

Well thanks for the post.


Sep 01, 2009
Try lower back injections.
by: Janine

I am resorting to calling my doctor to have it cut out I think. It lasted almost a year the first time. I can't keep taking utensils and watch people cringe when I scratch my foot because I don't feel the pain while they would, and besides, I leave a nasty sore. I wanna ask about the denatured alcohol injections suggested.
To comment on your issues as like my own, I've just gotten thru injections for my lower back on both sides and the foot did not clear up entirely. It seemed to lessen a little and then returned. Still, could be related in the fact that maybe when there is a flare up in the lumbar, the foot also...let me know if you try anything. It gets expensive.

Aug 21, 2009
I know the feeling
by: JeNY

Hello, I came across your question while searching for a related issue. I too, have this spot on the bottom of my right foot, on the ball of my foot below my second to last toe. It feels about the same size as you describe, yet feels so "deep" that I can never satisfy the itch. The itch is not constant but is there quite a bit and is very annoying.

I have not had it looked at. I have have wondered if it was in any relation to a very large and deep plantar's wart I had nearly 15 years ago on the same foot and in almost the same area, but I cannot see anything unusual on the skin's surface.

I have also wondered if it was just a nerve misfiring from my lower back issues. I do have some lower back issues that affect my right sciatic nerve. I have had all sorts of sensations in my leg and foot from this, most notably a sensation as if someone has a thread tied around my second to last toe. Sometimes I get a very slight tingly or numb sensation there too.

Anyway I just wanted to say that I'm pretty sure I know the itching sensation you described, as it seems I have the same sensation the same spot on the same foot. I hope you find something at works for you.

May 18, 2009
Thank you
by: Janine

Thank you answering so fast and with suggestion. if I cut it out again, I assume the nerves irritated with grow back each time? Again, thanks.

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(items I prescribe in the office)

Orthotics for multiple types of foot pain
best buy in a pre-made orthotic
click link below


Orthotics for heel and arch pain for those who must wear dress shoes
click link below


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I've been doing some aggressive research lately (it's how I found your incredible website) and realize now that my symptoms are not consistant with the diagnosis.


Hunterville, NC
….after reviewing your amazing site (great for the avg. jill). So thank you very much!!!


I am really, really impressed with your plain-speak explanations for the various conditions.


This was an extremely helpful site. I have an appointment on the 18th and your info. Was right on target…..


A well organized site containing much information written in a manner that the average reader can comprehend.


Ontario, Canada
I found your website and articles most interesting.


Thank you for a quick response. I think your site is the best information site on foot pain and I have viewed many.


(location unknown)
I came to your website, via www.foot-pain explained .com which I think is also your website? I thought explanations for different types of problems were well addressed and thoughtfully stated for the patient in mind.


New York
You have an amazing and extremely informative site. I enjoyed looking through all of the data and stats.


Memphis, TN
Thanks again so much for the information in the article. Very interesting.


Great article. I have had plantar fasciitis since I was in high school……..

J. Simmons

(location unknown)
Dear Dr. Mitnick, The orthotics arrived four days ago and I slipped them into my shoes immediately. I was skeptical as to the usefulness of the item, they really didn't look very exotic. I have to say though, after using them for just four days, I have experienced grand relief from my foot pain. Even the very first day, I was able to do a lot of work while on my feet with at least a 75% reduction of pain. It has only gotten better every day, and I go nowhere without my shoes with the orthotics. I had been experiencing extreme heel and sole pain for about six months and had to take extended breaks off my feet many times a day as well as regular doses of Ibuprofen. Since getting the orthotics, my life has returned to normal and I feel good again. Just wanted to say thanks for the recommendation for a very effective item, I had no idea what a change this item could affect.

Yours truly,

J.C. Forbes

Thanks for the Response, you hit it on the head.


Redondo Beach, CA
Thank you for your time and expertise in answering my question…..


(location unknown)
First, thanks for putting together this website. Its the most informative site I have found dealing with foot problems. Last June I started having pain and swelling at …….


(location unknown)
First of all, thank you for having all this useful information available in one place. I've been through most of your website and based on my research, pain and evaluations I think I've narrowed things down quite a bit.

Pete M.

(location unknown)
Thank you for the best site I have found when researching foot pain.

Glenda B.

Madison, Alabama
Thanks for replying so quickly. I was a bit concerned. I think your website is great, and chock full of info.....


Denison, TX
Dr. Marc, Thank you so much for your reply which seemed to be right on. I have researched many sites but you put me on the right path to the possible answer. My foot pain may not rule the rest of my life after all! I believe I'll make a sign that reads, "THE END IS NEAR!" Thanks Very Much,


West lafayette, IN
Dear doubt you get positive comments re your site...May I please be added to the list of your admirers. In all of my years of web surfing I would say your site is right there with the very best. Thank you for taking the time to write the terrific info you provide and for putting things into laymen terms for us mere mortals. I pray you have much on going success and thank you again for a deed well done. As for me I did not find much help for my symptoms and will continue on my quest. Were you anywhere in the South I would make and appointment...Thanks again dear sir...m.e.

Michael E.

Tampa, Florida 33624
Hi. This is a great site! I'm a healthy middle aged woman who is in good health, but.....


Just a wee word of thanks for your wonderful website...It is a terrific service...Thank you for providing your knowledge and help...With highest regards, m ebeling

Michael D. Ebeling

Tampa, Florida 33624

Thanks for a most interesting website, which has helped a lot.



Dear Dr.Mitnick

I usually do my research on the Mayo clinic website. I think your website is the most informative site I have found when researching foot pain.

I thank you for putting together this incredible website.


Dragica W.


....I have been told that it is not hard enough to be cut off. Please help, I am not sure what to do now! THANKS FOR A WONDERFUL AND VERY HELPFUL SITE!


South Africa

You have an unusually clear, informative and well-written website for laypersons. Thank you for that.

Matthew W.

Mansfield Ctr, CT

First, I'd like to thank you for all the information that you provide on your website and the opportunity to write to you.


Placentia, California

First, I want to let you know that you have the best web site I've found related to foot issues. (The only thing I had difficulty finding was the "ask a question" page.)


Unknown location

I received the orthotics Monday afternoon and began wearing them Tuesday. After two days I would say that I have noticed a huge improvement in the discomfort I have been experiencing. My foot feels better than it has in months.

Ric J.

Unknown location

I greatly admire someone like you who would donate and dedicate so much time and effort to helping strangers with no compensation. Truly, it is uncommonly kind. And your site is so intelligently arranged.

Ron R.

Pacific Grove, CA

I used to work for a podiatrist (front desk) back during summers in college years ago, so I know the benefits of good care. Again, I want to thank you for an EXCELLENT website. It was so great to get to your site (top of google search) and actually find all the answers I needed EASILY and QUICKLY! Clearly you put a ton of work into it and I really appreciate it.

All the best,


Alameda, California

By the way, millions of websites could use yours as a guideline on how to organize information and make the site user-friendly. Kudos to you!


Thank you for your very interesting and informative site!


Hi. I come to your site often looking for information. It is really informative and I appreciate it very much. I have RA and have been having considerable amount of foot pain...... Dee RN

Thanks very much for the wonderful informative site.


New Zealand

Thank You for my answer! I have been schedule for a bone density scan, allingment, and I am in the process of getting orthotics made, and checking out the natural remedies. Thank again! What a great web site!



Yes I want both pair of orthotics. You don't have an option of ordering 2 at one time so I had to place the order twice. Thanks. My husband likes these and wants to put them in all of his shoes. (referring to Superstep orthotics)

Cindy H.

I searched the internet everywhere for a clear description and illustration of my symptoms/problem. was where I ended my search with answers. If I lived in Jersey (left 30 years ago) and didn't live in Florida I would definetly make an appointment with Dr. Mitnick.

Thanks, Kathy

1st of all THANKS A LOT for your great site......


Thank you so much for your response. I will let you know how I am doing if you would like. Your website is awesome!


South Carolina
Hello! I want to thank you for such an informative website! I found you based on my ankle pain search and am happy to realize that there may be a relatively simple cause and solution....


unknown location

...Thanks for your fantastic service.


Arlington, VA

Thank you so very much, that would be much appreciated. I love those insoles, by the way. (referring to Superstep orthotics)

Kelly W.

San Clemente, CA

Dr Marc is fantastic...He seems to know exactly what you are feeling with the problems you are having. I wish he was in my home town so I could go to him with my problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!


location unknown

Great insights! Thanks Doc, you're the best.


location unknown

I have been experiencing foot pain of various sorts and am working to figure out what it is. I found this site and can only say BRAVO!! What an excellent site! The time it must have taken to put all this together must've been a daunting task! I am sure it has helped so many people. Thank you so very much for doing this.


location unknown

Dr. Mitnick, Thank you so much for your reply. I did let my physician know and they took an x-ray - all is well! Also, thank you for providing this wonderful site, it is very helpful with lots of useful information! I appreciate your gift of time! God bless.


Dr. Mitnick, Thank you, you were 100% correct. The pain finally brought me to the ER. I spent 8 days in the hospital. The Doppler you spoke of was able to show that there was no pulse in that foot. This was an arterial clot that split and traveled throughout my leg. My leg was almost amputated. I am in rough shape but have all my parts intact!! You certainly know what you are talking about. Thank you for taking the time to answer. Yours Truly!


Staying at home after hallux surgery I spend quite a lot of time seaching info useful for avoiding problems which might come back. Today I found your site and I am .... delighted it happened. It's one of the best site I found last days.



Thanks for taking time to read and answer so many questions. It is truly a public service!


Seattle, WA

I just wanted to say that I am very greatful for this website!!


location unknown

Also, and importantly, just want to praise this web site. Thorough and thoughtfully presented, it certainly must be of considerable assistance to anyone with a foot problem. Terrific -- and very interesting.I trust the address comes up easily for those seeking information.


New Jersey

Thanks so much for answering my question. You've been more help to me than my own Dr. has been lately. Thanks again....I hope to be able to walk without pain someday.


location unknown

Wow, that is exactly the information needed!!! thank you thank you thank you!!! I appreciate this help so very much from Marc Mitnick DPM. Excellent information and help to improve One's life.


location unknown

Thanks so much for this website Dr. Marc! It is so nice that you have this ask the doctor feature..I'm sure I'ts been helpful for alot of people. I will try what you suggested and see if it helps...thanks again!


Evansville, IA

Dear Marc

I just want to say thank you for the quick response and the good info. I find it amazing and a super nice thing that you do here by answering medical questions at no charge.

Russ W.

location unknown

Your website is full of a lot of helpful information, and I am very impressed with the time in which you responded to my post. Thank you again for your time and consideration in your response.


location unknown

Thank you very much for the information, I will consider it. Excellent web site.


San Diego, CA

Dr. Mitnick, Just want to say thank you so very much for your quick response and very informative reply! After reading what you had to say, I called the doctor's office and was able to get in and see him the same day as my injury. Toe was x-rayed and luckily, it is not broken or fractured. Very badly bruised and will probably lose the toe nail. And although my toe and toe nail are still very black and blue and very sore, they ARE both starting to feel a little better. So again, thank you! I am so very happy that I came across your website. The service you provide is outstanding and immeasurable!


Albany, NY

Thank you so much for all of your advice. In searching the web for people dealing with this same issue i can tell you that you are a Knight In shining Armor! If I lived in Jersey I would gladly be your Spokesperson. Hopefully next time you hear from me it will be good news. God Bless,

Jill S.

location unknown



Whichita, KS

thanks again, this site is very helpful.


Boston, MA

Like others have stated...This site is amazing and I am so thankful that it was created.

....Keep up what your doing. Your a life saver.



Thanks again for the information provided on your site. It's easy for non-medical folk to understand your writing, and helps provide better communication between patient and doctor.



Wonderful advice

by: Anonymous

This is the best site for foot problem info.

Thank you for this information. This description fits my pain and inflammation behind my 2nd toe perfectly.

by: Max

location unknown
Again, I really appreciate that you responded to my inquiry, and that your mention of Parkinson's helped me to find my way to a diagnosis of this difficult to diagnose disease. Most patients see on average 16 doctors before they are diagnosed. I hope that you can help other people that ask for your expertise in the future.

Barb D.

I just wanted to say that I am very greatful for this website!! I have had a fusion in my rt foot and am finally getting a little bit better......


location unknown
Again, Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to answer my question....your an angel!


Thank you for your response. You have provided some great insight (to my question)....


location unknown
Thank-you so very much for responding so quickly and in such detail to my question!! I will give my surgeon a call today!! This website is terrific!!!! Thank-you again!


North Carolina
Many Thanks Dr Marc!
Thank you for your response. It sounds like a good plan to me. He did not cut the wart out first ...


location unknown

Thanks again doc for having this website and we STILL need qualified Podiatrists in beautiful sunny Tampa Bay (Bradenton) Florida.

Bessie Mae

Dear Dr. Mitnick, Thank you so very much for taking your time to answer my question. You have greatly relieved my anxiety related to the continual tingly I feel in my feet. I will share your response with my podiatrist next week. God bless you for having this question and answer page on your website! Most gratefully,

Lynne T.

location unknown
Your webpage is excellent, I commend you on sharing your knowledge to the public.


New Jersey

Thank you. you were more detailed than what others have told me they finally called from the last xrays and my son is now in a cast for 2 weeks he did have a fracture that was not noticeable.

a mom

location unknown

I have read your website and I have to admit that I am amazed at all the information that is on here. I have learned more than the three years I have been going to several doctors that I have seen!!


Lenoir, NC

Thank you so much Doc for a quick and thorough response!


Bellevue, WA

I cannot thank you enough for your response, opinion, and suggestions! I want you to know how much it means to me, and I'm sure everyone else who has ever asked you a question! I feel like you're a lifesaver and have empowered me to take a stronger role and stand up for myself and my feet!


location unknown

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