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by Amiable
(Fraser Valley BC )
..But I did catch it only half way down my nails, four friggin' nails!! My Dr. says "nothin' you can do fer it", "you will eventually loose yer nail". So I trusted my rich and smart brothers advice and started cutting away at it with clippers but I mean cutting to the point of slight bleeding and removing as much of that white flakey stuff as possible, Then, as soon as some nail growth begins, cut away the same horrible way and just keep it up. All i know is it worked for me. Oh ya, don't use a bandage, let your(100%COTTON)sock do magic by leting that fugus dry out better. It's only a few months effort now worriors! No pain, no gain!!
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I used Vicks VapoRub and it worked. I applied it several times a day w/ a Q-tip along the sides and top of nail. The toenail started showing signs of healing within a few days.
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by helpful heidi
I use Vicks Vapor rub. I know many people that do this as well. I take gauze and put a blob of Vicks on it and make sure I cover the whole nail with the Gauze then I put on Co-band (A self sticky wrap) that holds it in place great even under wet conditions. I leave it on a day or two and re-apply. I have noticed results in less than two weeks. I take a hot bath or foot bath before the application so it softens the nail and absorbs better. I know this works on hands as well but you just have to rub in fingernails and wear cotton gloves at night when you go to bed. For just a few dollars in a budget tight economy, its worth it. Granted it doesn't take it away forever, if you keep up with it faithfully, it will work for you.
Hi Heidi,
Thanks for your comments, you are not the only one that uses Vicks Vapor Rub on their fungal nails. Its like anything else, it will not work on everyone, but there is certainly no harm in trying it.
Marc Mitnick DPM
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by Susan James
(Houston, Texas)
apple cider vineager - soak cotton balls in apple cider vineagar for one week - full strenght do not dilute.
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I had a nasty toe nail fungus infection for 2 years and soaking with both listerine and tea tree oil killed the infection overnight. A miracle indeed.
Tea tree oil has been known to have antifungal properties and listerine has antiseptic properties so it would not be a big "stretch" to think the combination may be effective.
Thanks for your post.
Marc Mitnick DPM
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by p carnes
(northwest, nj usa)
soak in cider vinegar, 1 hour, for 7 days, add eculyptous oil soak 1 hour for 7 days, 14 days your cleared up
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by Stephen Groff
(Milan, Michigan, USA)
Tea Tree Oil applied religiously a minumun of twice a day. Clean area regularly. Grinding or scraping off shiny surface of nail does help and doesn't HAVE to be that deep. I did only very top surface, not deeply at all. I've been doing it for a year or just over now and the fungus is no longer apparent. I'm going to continue until I see my podiatrist and I'm sure the fungus is totally dead and cleared up. I did get this treatment suggestion from looking on internet and reading for holistic cures of toenail fungus. When I finally went to a podiatrist, she recommended this very same treatment, mainly because I am taking immune suppressent drugs because of a heart transplant, and she didn't want to prescribe an internal remedy.
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extra virgin olive oil applied daily took about a month to cure mine
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I mixed 1 part DMSO (bought from my local feed store) and 1 part tea tree oil. Applied a drop to the top of the nail once/twice a day and it worked. The DMSO is a penetrant, and it takes the tea tree oil with it.
Yes, tea tree oil has been used for years on fungus nails and certainly using DMSO as the penetrating agent should in theory allow the tea tree oil to reach the fungus.
Marc Mitnick DPM
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by Sue
On the foot: when I get superficial fungus on a nail, the OTC brush-on treatments alternated with tea tree oil have worked. I don't wear polish for 2 months, and apply one treatment or the other (after drying carefully) after every shower, and again before bed.
On the hands: I used to get a fungus-y nail when I wore articial nails over my own. (I think moisture got trapped between them.) A quick (2 minutes) nightly soak in hydrogen peroxide kept the problem from happening.
Hi Sue,
Thanks for your response. Many women who wear nail polish for long periods of time will develop superficial fungus on their nails. If left untreated the fungus can burrow through the nail and create the unsightly fungus shown on my website.
I usually have my patients take an emory board and sand away the superficial fungus, then apply topical anti-fungal medication to the nails.
There is nail polish now being manufactured that has anti-fungal medication mixed in with it, but at this point I think it is a big leap of faith to assume that will prevent fungus as there has not been any real studies done on its effectiveness.
Marc Mitnick DPM
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University of Rochester Medical Center
American Academy of Pediatrics
Columbia University Department of Rehabilitation
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