ganglion cysts left foot dorsal surface
Hi. A few months ago, I sent you a question about what I thought might be a ganglion cyst (also included a photo). Your response was as follows:
It may very well be a ganglion cyst, but I cannot make that diagnosis just by looking at the picture. (I do see the bump you are talking about). Sometimes bumps like this are not always ganglions and for that reason you should have a doctor look at it to make sure it is nothing more than a ganglion.
In fact, I took your advice and did see a doctor (an orthopedic surgeon),who confirmed it was indeed a ganglion cyst. The doctor said he could take X-rays if it would make me feel better, but that it would be a waste of time and money as what I had on my foot was simply a ganglion cyst. He also suggested that such ganglions can indeed result from over-compensation from pain in the other foot (which made sense to me, as I have a very painful right foot (bunions, Morton's neuroma, etc.) which causes me to put undue pressure on my left foot (which is where this cyst is)so as to relieve the pain in the right foot.
But just out of curiosity, with respect to your initial response, I now have a couple of other questions related to this:
1. " ... to make sure it is nothing more than a ganglion." Can you give me a few examples of what "more than a ganglion" it could be?
2. Why is it that what feels 'hard' to me felt 'soft' to the doctor? (He said it felt rubbery and I thought it felt like bone.)
Hi Jos,
Let me make this simple. If you have any concern about the diagnosis, get a second opinion and see if that doctor agrees with the first doctor.
If you are still concerned, ask one of the doctors to biopsy the growth, that is truly the only way to know for sure. An MRI would be another option, but they can be inaccurate at times.
Good Luck
Marc Mitnick DPM