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by Sally
initial displaced fifth metatarsal fracture
I fell down the stairs, landing on my right foot twisted, and was diagnosed with a displaced comminuted 5th metatarsal fracture in end February 2018 (see first pic). Was put in non weight-bearing cast for 1 week, and then an aircast boot. Doctor said I could start to walk with the boot, as much as pain is tolerated. After 1 month, went back to do X-ray, but it looked exactly the same as before. Doctor had previously told me that my bone would be able to heal in proper alignment but obviously it wasn't going to happen without any external reinforcement! So I asked him what options I had to re-align the bone, and he said it was only possible with surgery. However he didn't seem to recommend the surgery, citing the possible complications and the need to remove whatever callus that has formed. So he just told me to continue wearing the aircast boot and let the bone heal in its misaligned position.
I was concerned about the long-term problems of leaving the foot like that, so I went to seek a second opinion. This time the doctor recommended surgery to put in implants to allow the bone to heal in proper alignment. However, due to some reasons, I was not able to do the surgery immediately and now my X-ray shows a malunion (see second & third pic). This is about 4 months after my injury occurred.
I am off the aircast boot now and walking with normal shoes (with good support). Doctor says to put off the surgery and continue walking and let the bone rebuild. There are occasional aches at the side of my foot where the bone is injured and there was once a sharp pain occurred followed by 1 week of recurrent tingling pain at the side of my foot. Since then I didn't dare to flex my foot too much as I was afraid the sharp pain was due to nerve injury or something.
I am not sure if this is the right direction to go - to continue walking and hoping that there weren't be any problems down the road? And whether the bone will be able to regain enough strength for me to return to normal sports activities like running? Considering that it is not in proper alignment.
I am female, 28 years old, doesn't smoke and drink, and have lost about 2 kg weight since my injury (now weighing 51kg at
University of Rochester Medical Center
American Academy of Pediatrics
Columbia University Department of Rehabilitation
Feb 06, 23 07:17 PM
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