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by Anna
(Hiram, Ga)
I have a tumor on the bottom of both my feet they ate right beside my arch, last week I stepped on a small piece of glass right in the middle of the right tumor , the glass remained in for two days because when my husband and i examined it after cleaning it we couldnt see it,the cut was about the width of a pinky nail, during the two days i stayed off my foot as much as possible because it was painful to walk on it, I boiled it out with peroxide a couple of times a day but I began to feel that there was something in my foot because it hurt up in the wound, my sister in law was over and I asked her to look at it for me using a bright lite and magnifying glass she saw glass imbedded in the cut and using sterilized needle and tweezers she was able to carefully and slowly remove the tiny piece of glass, I continued to boil it out and applied neosporin for the next 3 days and covered it although the bandage kept wearing off, at the end of the third day it became very painful and inflamed now I cantt walk on it and it its still very painful. what do you think is this any kind of normal?
Comments for Cut on bottom of foot causing pain
University of Rochester Medical Center
American Academy of Pediatrics
Columbia University Department of Rehabilitation
Feb 06, 23 07:17 PM
Feb 01, 23 02:41 PM
Jan 25, 23 04:52 PM
Jan 22, 23 01:41 PM
Jan 18, 23 05:12 PM
Jan 15, 23 08:32 PM
Jan 14, 23 05:02 PM
Jan 11, 23 02:18 PM
Jan 08, 23 10:07 AM
Jan 03, 23 03:04 PM